Intent. The Highway Business District (B-3) is appropriate and reserved primarily for high intensity/density auto-dependent commercial development and contemplates commercial development that utilizes the limited prime property with I-40 access and thoroughfares of N. Oxford and Centennial as well as the necessary utility infrastructure including water and sewer. While not easily developed for a comfortable pedestrian environment, connectivity via sidewalks is necessary. The Highway Business District (B-3) will serve not only the local community, but interstate and highway travelers as well. Because of the scale and access requirements of uses for this category, they often cannot be compatibly integrated with the Central Business and Community Business Districts. Development at district boundaries must provide a compatible transition to uses outside the district and frontages on major or minor arterials will require formal street tree planting.
1. Permitted uses:
a. Uses permitted by right:
(1) Business, convenience. See Definition Sec. 9-3-9.
(2) Business, general. See Definition Sec. 9-3-9.
(3) Indoor recreation, commercial.
(4) Motels and hotels.
(5) Wholesale sales with related offices, storage and warehousing entirely within an enclosed building; truck terminals not permitted.
(6) Automotive service station (gas, filling station). See Definition Sec. 9-3-9.
b. Uses permitted with conditions (See Article F):
(1) Adult business.
(2) Electronic gaming operations.
(3) Essential Services Class 1.
(4) Existing and applied for as of April 5, 2021 Vehicle and boat sales, service, rental, cleaning, mechanical repair and body repair with conditions of Article F – Sec. 9-3-98 Outdoor display of vehicles and boats for sale or rental.
c. Uses permitted with a special use permit:
(1) Planned Unit Development - Business.
(2) Essential Services 3.
(3) Existing Mini-warehouse as of March 1, 2021.
(4) Wireless telecommunications facilities.
d. Permitted building and lot types (See Article E):
(1) Highway business up to sixty-five thousand (65,000) square feet of first floor area on major thoroughfare; up to fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of first floor area on minor thoroughfare.
(2) The maximum first floor area for highway business buildings may be exceeded only where massing of building is varied to reduce perceived scale and volume.
(3) Shopfront, up to sixty-five thousand (65,000) square feet of first floor area on major thoroughfare; up to fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of first floor area on minor thoroughfare; second floor apartments or offices encouraged for most uses.
(4) Workplace up to sixty-five thousand (65,000) square feet of first floor area on major thoroughfare; up to fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of first floor area on minor thoroughfare; second floor apartments or offices encouraged for most uses.
e. Permitted accessory structures and uses:
(2) Drive through windows associated with any use with conditions in Article F – Sec. 9-3-91 Drive-through windows as an accessory use.
(3) Single bay car wash with conditions in Article F – Sec. 9-3-86.
(4) Stalls or merchandise stands for outdoor sale of goods at street front (encroachment onto sidewalk may be permitted by agreement with city); outdoor storage is expressly prohibited. Items for outdoor sales are returned to inside the building at the end of each business day; goods not brought in at the close of business each day are considered outdoor storage.
(5) Bars as accessory to a restaurant as allowed by NC ABC permitting laws.
(6) Warehousing accessory to merchandise showroom, within an enclosed building.
(7) Accessory uses permitted in all districts.
f. General requirements:
(1) Along existing streets, new buildings shall respect the general spacing of structures, building mass and scale, and street frontage relationships of existing buildings.
(2) New buildings, which exceed the scale and volume of existing buildings, may demonstrate compatibility by varying the massing of buildings to reduce perceived scale and volume. Building massing illustrates the application of design techniques to reduce the visual perception of size and integrate larger buildings with pre-existing smaller buildings.
(3) On new streets, allowable building and lot types will establish the development pattern.
(4) Where screening is required by Article F for activities involving any sale, use, repair, storage, or cleaning operation, the specified standard of Article K shall apply.
(5) Any Highway Business District shall be bordered on at least one (1) side by a major or minor thoroughfare.
(6) The arrangement of multiple buildings on a single lot shall establish facades generally parallel to the frontage property lines along existing streets and proposed interior streets.
(7) Every building lot shall have frontage upon a public street or square.
2. Off-street parking and loading requirements. Off-street parking and loading requirements shall be provided for all uses as required by Article H of this chapter.
3. Sign requirements. See Article I of this chapter.
4. Dimensional requirements. See Article E (Lot and Building Types) and M (Watershed) of this chapter.