Intent: The district shall provide for urban residential development within walking distance (generally one-fourth (1/4) mile) of services. Streets shall be interconnected and a range of lot sizes is encouraged. The Neighborhood Residential District permits the completion and conformity of residential subdivisions.
1. Permitted uses:
a. Uses permitted by right:
(1) Single-family dwellings excluding manufactured homes.
(2) Family care homes.
b. Uses permitted with conditions (see Article F):
(1) Cemeteries.
(2) Churches.
(3) Essential Services 1 and 2.
(4) Government buildings up to five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area.
(5) Neighborhood and outdoor recreation.
(6) Parks.
(7) Temporary health care structures.
c. Uses permitted with a special use permit:
(1) Multi-family dwellings.
(2) Planned Unit Development - Residential.
(3) Elementary and secondary schools.
(4) Essential Services 3.
(5) Neighborhood business.
d. Permitted building and lot types (See Article E):
(1) Civic building.
(2) Detached house.
(3) Attached house.
(4) Apartment building.
e. Permitted accessory structures and uses:
(1) Accessory dwellings.
(2) Day care home (small).
(3) Home occupations.
(4) Accessory uses permitted in all districts.
f. General requirements:
(1) Along existing streets, new buildings shall respect the general spacing of structures, building mass and scale, and street frontage relationships of existing buildings.
(2) New buildings which exceed the scale and volume of existing buildings may demonstrate compatibility by varying the massing of buildings to reduce perceived scale and volume. Building massing illustrates the application of design techniques to reduce the visual perception of size and integrate larger buildings with pre-existing smaller buildings.
(3) On new streets, allowable building and lot types will establish the development pattern.
2. Off-street parking and loading requirements. Off-street parking and loading requirements shall be provided for all uses as required by Article H of this chapter.
3. Sign requirements. See Article I of this chapter.
4. Dimensional requirements. See Article E (Lot and Building Types) and M (Watershed) of this chapter.
(Ord. of 12-7-04; No. 37-02; Ord. of 10-2-06; No. 21-06; Ord. of 10-5-15; No. 07-15; Ord. of 6-21-21, No. 41-21)