For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) Community antenna television service, or CATV service. The business of providing an improved television reception service to the public for compensation, by means of a master antenna and cables. As an adjunct of that service, AM and FM radio program material received over the air, background music, news, weather, and other programming, including public service programming and civil defense information as required, may be furnished to subscribers.
(2) Community antenna television system, or CATV system. Any facility which, in whole or in part, receives directly or indirectly over the air and amplifies or otherwise modifies the signals transmitting programs broadcast by one or more television stations, or AM or FM radio stations, and distributes the signals by wire or cable to all subscribers who pay for the service.
(3) FCC. Federal Communications Commission.
(4) Franchise. Any authorization granted hereunder in terms of a franchise, privilege, permit, license, or otherwise, to construct, or have constructed, operate, and maintain a CATV system in the city for the purpose of providing a CATV service to the citizens of the city.
(5) Grantee. The person to whom or which a franchise, as hereinabove defined, is granted by the city under this chapter; and the lawful successor, transferee, or assignee of the person.
(6) Gross subscriber receipts. All revenue derived directly or indirectly by a grantee, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parents, and any person in which a grantee has financial interest, from installation fees and regular monthly fees for the provision of basic CATV service in the corporate limits of the city.
(7) Property of grantee. All property owned, installed, or used by a grantee in the operation of a CATV system or service in the city under the authority of a franchise granted pursuant to this chapter.
(8) Street. The surface of and the space above and below any publicly owned or maintained property or right-of-way, street, road, highway, freeway, lane, path, alley, court, sidewalk, parkway, or drive, now or hereafter existing as such within the city, and lawfully usable for public travel.
(9) Subscriber. Any person or entity receiving for any purpose the CATV service of grantee.
a. Residential subscriber. A purchase of service delivered to a dwelling unit or units, including residential apartment units, condominiums, townhouses, detached houses, and the like, whether purchased by the occupant of the dwelling unit or the owner or operator of the dwelling unit.
b. Commercial subscriber. A hotel, motel, or TV dealer and repair shop.
c. Public subscriber. The city and any of its buildings used for governmental purposes, and each public or private school within the franchise area. (Ord. of 5/3/82, No. 48-82)