§ 5-4-37   Meters.
   (a)   General.
      (1)   The type of meter used shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. Engineer/developer shall coordinate with the city to determine specific requirements.
      (2)   Meters shall be installed on all service lines (including fire lines if required by city).
      (3)   Meters shall be manufactured by Neptune Inc.
   (b)   Displacement type meters. Displacement type meters shall conform to AWWA C700 and to the following requirements:
      (1)   Meter size shall be based on anticipated flows, size of proposed service line and as approved by the city.
      (2)   Meter ends shall match pipe fittings.
      (3)   Provide magnetic drive with sealed gear housing.
      (4)   Totalizer shall have:
         a.   Four-inch dial reading in gallons.
         b.   Seven-digit totalizer minimum.
      (5)   Must be capable of remote readout to match city's existing system.
   (c)   Turbine Meters: Turbine meters shall conform to AWWA C701 and to the following requirements:
      1.   Class meter: II
      2.   Meter size shall be based on anticipated flows, size of proposed service line and as approved by the City.
      3.   Meter ends shall match pipe fittings.
      4.   Provide magnetic drive with sealed gear housing.
      5.   Flow tube shall be cast iron with 2 mil epoxy coating.
      6.   Register shall have:
         a.   Direct reading seven-digit (minimum) totalizer reading in gallons.
         b.   Circular test dial
         c.   Must be capable of remote readout to match City's existing system.
   (d)   Compound Meters: Compound meters shall conform to AWWA C702 and to the following requirements:
      (1)   Meter size shall be based on anticipated flows, size of proposed service line and as approved by the city.
      (2)   Meter ends shall match pipe fittings.
      (3)   Provide magnetic drive with sealed gear housing.
      (4)   Main casing shall be cast iron.
      (5)   Totalizer shall have:
         a.   Four-inch dial reading in gallons.
         b.   Seven-digit totalizer minimum.
         c.   Circular test dial.
         d.   Must be capable of remote readout to match city's existing system.
(Ord. of 11-7-16; No. 10-16)