Sec. 5-3-2   Design criteria and permitting.
   (a)   The design of all public sanitary sewer systems that are to become a part of the City of Claremont's wastewater collection system, shall be in accordance with the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality's publications "Minimum Design Criteria for the Permitting of Gravity Sewers" and "Minimum Design Criteria for the Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains" and the requirements contained herein.
   (b)   Engineer/developer shall prepare and submit all applicable permit applications required by federal, state and local authority. Engineer shall be a licensed NC professional engineer. All fees are the responsibility of the developer.
   (c)   Sanitary sewers shall be installed in street rights-of-way or permanent easements. Minimum easement widths shall be as follows:
Depth of Sewer 8 feet
20 feet
8 feet < Depth of Sewer 12 feet
30 feet
12 feet< Depth of Sewer 14 feet
40 feet
Depth of Sewer > 14 feet
To be determined by city
(Ord. of 11-7-16, No. 10-16)