General Provisions
   90.001   Definitions
   90.002   Application
   90.003   Scope and orders of officers
   90.004   Traffic and parking control
   90.005   Ice and snow on public sidewalks
   90.006   Construction and reconstruction of roadway surfacing, sidewalk, curb and gutter
   90.007   Load limits
   90.008   Sewer and water main service lateral installation
Obstructions in Streets
   90.020   Generally
   90.021   Fires
   90.022   Dumping in streets
   90.023   Signs and other structures
   90.024   Placing snow or ice in a roadway or on a sidewalk
   90.025   Continuing violation
   90.026   Condition
Openings and Excavations
   90.040   Generally
   90.041   Application
   90.042   Investigation and payment of estimated costs
   90.043   Protection of the city and the public
   90.044   Issuance of permit
   90.045   Repairs
   90.046   Cost adjustment
   90.047   Alternate method of charging
Grass, Weeds and Trees
   90.060   City to control tree planting
   90.061   Permit required
   90.062   Duty of property owners to cut grass and weeds and maintain trees and shrubs
   90.063   City may order work done
   90.064   Assessment
   90.065   Reasonable protection
   90.066   Topping
   90.067   Plant, remove or cut
   90.068   Maintenance
Sidewalk Maintenance and Repair
   90.075   Primary responsibility
   90.076   Construction, reconstruction and repair specifications
   90.077   Notice; no emergency
   90.078   Notice; emergency
   90.079   Failure of owner to reconstruct or make repairs
   90.080   Inspection
   90.081   Sidewalk removal
   90.999   Penalty
   Except as otherwise defined in the city code, or where the context clearly indicates a contrary intent, the words and terms defined in M.S. Chapter 169, as may be amended from time to time, shall be applicable to this title and Title VII of this code.
(Prior Code, § 7.01)
   The provisions of this title and Title VII of this code are applicable to the drivers of all vehicles and animals upon streets, including, but not limited to, those owned or operated by the United States, the state or any county, town, city, district or other political subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 7.02)
   (A)   The provisions of this title and Title VII of this code relate exclusively to the streets, alleys and private roads in the city, and the operation and parking of vehicles refer exclusively to the operation and parking of vehicles upon the streets, alleys and private roads.
   (B)   It is a misdemeanor for any person to willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police or peace officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic.
(Prior Code, § 7.03) Penalty, see § 90.999
   (A)   Council action. No device, sign or signal shall be erected or maintained for traffic or parking control unless the Council shall first have approved and directed the same, except as otherwise provided in this section; provided that, when traffic and parking control is marked or sign-posted, the marking or sign-posting shall attest to Council action thereon.
   (B)   Temporary restrictions. The city, acting through the Chief of Police, may temporarily restrict traffic or parking for any private, public or experimental purpose. It is the duty of the Chief of Police to so restrict traffic or parking when a hazardous condition arises or is observed.
   (C)   Traffic restrictions and prohibitions. It is a misdemeanor for any person to drive a vehicle contrary to lane restrictions or prohibitions painted on any street, or contrary to sign-posted, fenced or barricaded restrictions or prohibitions.
   (D)   Parking restrictions and prohibitions. It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle, except an emergency vehicle, contrary to lane restrictions or prohibitions painted on any curb, or contrary to sign-posted, fenced or barricaded restrictions or prohibitions.
   (E)   Damaging or moving markings. It is a misdemeanor for any person to deface, mar, damage, move, remove or, in any way, tamper with any structure, work, material, equipment, tools, sign, signal, barricade, fence, painting or appurtenance in any street unless the person has written permission from the city or is an agent, employee or contractor for the city, or other authority having jurisdiction over a particular street, and acting within the authority or scope of a contract with the city or other authority.
(Prior Code, § 7.04) Penalty, see § 90.999
   (A)   Ice and snow a nuisance. All snow and ice remaining upon public sidewalks is hereby declared to constitute a public nuisance and shall be abated by the owner or tenant of the abutting private property within 12 hours after the snow or ice has ceased to be deposited.
   (B)   City to remove snow and ice. The city may cause to be removed from all public sidewalks, beginning 24 hours after snow or ice has ceased to fall, all snow or ice which may be discovered thereon, and it shall keep a record of the cost of the removal and the private property adjacent to which accumulations were found and removed.
   (C)   Cost of removal to be assessed. The City Administrator shall, upon direction of the Council, and on receipt of the information provided for in the preceding division (B), extend the cost of the removal of snow or ice as a special assessment against the lots or parcel of ground abutting on walks which were cleared, and the special assessments shall at the time of certifying taxes to the County Auditor be certified for collection as other special assessments are certified and collected.
   (D)   Civil suit for cost of removal. The City Administrator shall, in the alternative, upon direction of the Council, bring suit in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover from the persons owning land adjacent to which sidewalks were cleared, as provided in division (B) above, the cost of the clearing and the cost and disbursement of a civil action therefor.
   (E)   Administrator to report sidewalks cleared. The City Administrator shall present to the Council at its first meeting after snow or ice has been cleared from the sidewalks as provided in division (B) above the report of the city thereon, and shall request the Council to determine by resolution the manner of collection to be used as provided in divisions (C) or (D) above.
(Prior Code, § 7.05) Penalty, see § 90.999