No such permit shall be granted by the governing body until the applicant therefor shall have submitted satisfactory evidence as follows:
   (a)   The applicant has valid oil and gas lease or leases signed by persons owning more than 50% of the territory in the area attributable to, or which might be attributed to the location where it is proposed to drill the well; which lease shall be accompanied by an agreement in writing providing for the pooling of all royalties and rentals arising from the leases or from production on the acreage to be distributed among all of the property owners in the area or territory attributed to the well or wells which might be drilled under the lease; which distribution shall be made to the property owners, including leasing property owners and non-leasing property owners in accordance with the number of square feet owned by each owner in the property or territory exclusive of streets and alleys in the area or territory;
   (b)   A map or plat of the area covered by the oil and gas lease showing the proposed location of each well, together with the written consent of the owner of the land on which the well is proposed to be located and the written consent of all owners of land 50 feet adjacent thereto, consenting to the drilling of the well on the land, which the map or plat shall also show the location of all residences, buildings and other structures in the immediate vicinity of such proposed location; and
   (c)   The applicant must agree to provide adequate protection to all persons who might be concerned with such drilling operations, including the handling of slush and sediment, salt water and other material produced in connection with the drilling of the well in metal tanks, and the applicant shall further agree that no crude oil shall be stored within the city limits; applicant further agrees that in the event the well is abandoned, all tools, equipment and machinery used in connection with the drilling and/or operation of the well shall be removed within 60 days after determination thereof, and the premises restored to the original condition as soon as practical and in no case more than 60 days after determination thereof.
(Charter Ord. 2, passed - -)