(a)    Street Trees.  
      (1)   Deciduous street trees shall be placed within a maintenance easement adjacent to the right-of-way on the back side of the sidewalk.
Example: Street Trees
      (2)   Types: The types of street trees utilized to meet these requirements shall be listed on the Approved Street Tree list within Appendix A of the City of Circleville Comprehensive Tree Plan.
      (3)   Spacing: Street trees shall be spaced as follows according to the zoning district:
         A.   In the LDR and MDR Districts: The spacing of street trees shall be dependent upon lot width and such trees shall be located as shown on the below LDR and MDR Street Tree Placement Exhibit. For corner lots, a street tree is not required where the two streets intersect in order to address sight distance concerns.
         B.   In all other districts, the street trees shall be spaced at a maximum of thirty (30) feet on center.
         C.   Street trees are not required within the DB, NB and HOD.
LDR and MDR Street Tree Placement Exhibit
   (b)   The following requirements apply to all uses within all Districts, except the LDR and MDR:
      (1)   Grass (seed or sod), shrubs, trees, garden planting areas or other appropriate landscaping materials shall be planted in all exterior areas. Other groundcover, such as ivy, may be planted in exterior areas which are not occupied by required landscaping material or required for drainage.
      (2)   All trees required by these regulations, or other applicable standards, shall be live plants and meet the following minimum tree sizes at the time of planting:
      Tree Type            Minimum Size at Time of Planting
      Deciduous Trees         2-inch caliper      
      Coniferous            5 feet in height
      Shrubs and Hedges         3 feet in height
      (3)   The following types of undesirable trees shall be prohibited:
         A.   Callery Pear (Pryus calleryana - any cultivar)
         B.   Tree of Heaven/Ailanthus - (Ailanthus altissima)
         C.   White Mulberry - (Morus alba)
         D.   Ginko - Female Only - (Ginko biloba)
         E.   Russian Olive - (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
         F.   Autumn Olive - (Elaeagnus umbellate)
      (4)   All plants shall meet or exceed American Standards for nursery stock as set forth by the American Association of Nurserymen.
      (5)   Artificial plant materials shall be prohibited.
      (6)   All trees and landscaping shall be well maintained. Dead trees, shrubs and other landscaping material shall be promptly removed and, when required, shall be replaced within six (6) months.
      (7)   Landscaping shall be planted in a manner so that it does not extend beyond a property line at full growth.
      (8)   Landscaping shall be planted and kept trimmed so that it does not cover or obscure traffic visibility or traffic signals.
      (9)   Tree Preservation. Reasonable and good faith efforts will be made to preserve existing trees. Consideration shall be given to laying out service roads, lots, structures and parking areas to avoid the unnecessary destruction of wooded areas and individual trees. Additionally, standard tree preservation practices must be used to preserve and protect trees during all phases of construction, including the installation of snow fencing at the drip line.
   (c)   Parking Lot Screening. All parking lots within all Districts (including the HOD) shall comply with the following parking lot screening requirements:
      (1)   Any surface parking areas adjacent to an existing or planned public right-of-way shall be screened from the respective right-of-way with a minimum of a thirty-six (36) inch continuous planting hedge and tree combination. The height shall be measured from the adjacent parking area.
      (2)   All parking islands required in Section 1145.04(a)(4) shall have a minimum of one shade tree with a minimum of two (2) inch in caliper. The remaining area of the landscaped island shall be planted with grass or covered with stone.
     Example: Parking Island
with stone material
   (d)   Setback Landscaping. The Setback Landscaping is required for all developments abutting an Arterial or Collector Road, except for those located within the DB, NB, PMD and HOD Districts. Throughout the Setback area along an existing or planned public Right-of-Way, there shall be a minimum of four (4) trees per one hundred (100) lineal feet. Trees may be deciduous, coniferous or a combination thereof. This requirement shall not apply in the areas of ingress and egress, or to existing trees which are undisturbed by the project.
Example: Setback Landscaping
Screening Between Uses. In all Districts, except the HOD, a continuous planting hedge and tree combination to provide screening between non-residential and residential uses shall be installed. The required planting hedge and tree combination shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in height at the time of installation. In any district, except the DB and NB, mounding may be used to achieve the required height and fencing may be incorporated to provide additional screening. The screening between uses in the HOD shall comply with Section 1141.03(b)(7).
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)