(a) In general, mixed-use developments shall be laid out so that the commercial or mixed-use buildings are located along Arterial or Collector Roads and around the Central Green Space areas.
(b) Streets shall be interconnected.
(c) The use of cul-de-sacs shall be minimized within the Mixed-Use subareas. When the use of a cul-de-sac is necessary, then its length shall not exceed 400 feet.
(d) Sidewalks shall extend from any required multi-use paths and/or sidewalks to the front building entrances, parking areas, Central Green Space areas, and any other area that generates pedestrian activities.
(e) Commercial, office, mixed use buildings and other permitted non-residential uses shall be planned to have common parking areas and common ingress/egress points, in order to reduce traffic congestion and mitigate potential conflict points.
(f) Parking shall be designed to discourage a single, large parking areas and shall have smaller defined parking pods that do not exceed twelve (12) spaces in a single row or twenty-four (24) spaces in a double row.
(g) Parking areas shall be delineated and accented with landscaping in accordance with Section 1145.04(a)(5).
(h) Parking must be located to the side or rear of the primary buildings to ensure buildings are the focus of the streetscape.
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)