(a) Application. Two copies and one digital copy (PDF) of the Mural Application shall be submitted to the Zoning Inspector along with the required Mural Permit
(b) In addition to the application, two copies and one digital copy (PDF) of the following items must be submitted:
(1) A sketch, drawn to scale, of the proposed mural showing its relationship to the size and height of the building to which it will be adhered.
(2) A property owner's affidavit giving permission to the applicant to adhere the proposed mural to his/her building.
(3) An affidavit ensuring that the mural shall remain in place for a minimum of five (5) years.
(4) A copy of an approved Certificate of Appropriateness, if the property is located within the Historic Overlay District.
(5) A copy of the approved Development Plan that includes the proposed mural, if the property is located within the PMD.
(c) The Zoning Inspector shall review the application and issue said Mural Permit, if the proposed mural meets all of the requirements in Section 1145.07(p) and shall deny the permit if it does not meet one or more the requirements in Section 1145.07(p). If the Zoning Inspector denies the Mural Permit, said denial may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals in accordance with Section 1113.05.
(Ord. 02-13-2023. Passed 2-21-23.)