   (A)   Uses. No building, structure, or premises shall be used, erected, altered, or maintained, unless otherwise provided in this section, and in the event a public building complies with accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, except for one of the following uses:
      (1)   All the uses permitted in Class “A” and “B” residence districts, subject to all the provisions specified in such residence districts;
      (2)   Trailer and mobile home courts, provided that such courts shall be built and operated in accordance with the State Board of Health and Environmental Sciences rules and regulations, and shall be licensed by said Board; and
      (3)   Other uses permitted:
         (a)   Amusement places;
         (b)   Auction rooms;
         (c)   Automobile tourist courts or motels;
         (d)   Bakeries, employing not more than five persons;
         (e)   Banks;
         (f)   Barber shops;
         (g)   Battery service stations;
         (h)   Boarding houses;
         (i)   Catering establishments;
         (j)   Dancing academies;
         (k)   Dressmaking establishments;
         (l)   Dyeing and cleaning works, employing not more than five persons;
         (m)   Electric repair shops;
         (n)   Employment agencies;
         (o)   Freight stations;
         (p)   Gasoline and oil stations;
         (q)   Greenhouses;
         (r)   Hotels;
         (s)   Laboratories;
         (t)   Laundries not employing more than five persons;
         (u)   Locksmith shops;
         (v)   Lodge halls;
         (w)   Lumber supply houses and building supply stores;
         (x)   Millinery shops;
         (y)   Offices;
         (z)   Painting or decorating shops;
         (aa)   Pasteurizes and pasteurizing plants;
         (bb)   Photograph galleries;
         (cc)   Plumbing shops;
         (dd)   Post offices;
         (ee)   Printing shops;
         (ff)   Public garages;
         (gg)   Recreation buildings and structures;
         (hh)   Restaurants;
         (ii)   Roofing and plastering shops;
         (jj)   Sales or showrooms;
         (kk)   Sharpening or grinding shops;
         (ll)   Shoe repair shops;
         (mm)   Stores and shops for the conduct of retail business;
         (nn)   Studios;
         (oo)   Tailor shops not employing more than five persons;
         (pp)   Telephone exchanges;
         (qq)   Tin-smithing shops;
         (rr)   Tire repairing shops;
         (ss)   Undertaking establishments;
         (tt)   Used car sales lots; and
         (uu)   Laminating, fabricating, and assembling shops.
      (4)   Any other business which, in the opinion of the Town Council, is of the same general character as those listed above as permitted uses, and will not be detrimental to the district.
   (B)   Storage combustible mixtures. The storage of petroleum and other explosive, or combustible, mixtures shall be subject to conformance with related state law, local fire or safety codes, and regulations issued by the Fire Chief regulating storage of such products.
   (C)   Height of buildings. No building shall be erected in excess of 50 feet, or four stories, in height.
   (D)   Percentage of lot covered. No building, with its accessory buildings, to be used for said commercial purposes, shall occupy in excess of 90% of the area of the lot.
   (E)   Yard requirements. No front, rear, or side yards shall be required for commercial buildings, but for residential buildings the yard requirements for Class “B” residence district shall apply.
(Prior Code, § 11-1-10) (Ord. passed 12-12-2005)
   (A)   Uses. All buildings and premises, except as otherwise provided in this section, may be used for any use permitted in Class “C” commercial districts, or for any other use, except the following:
      (1)   Any use permitted in Class “A” except an electrical substation as provided in § 155.26(B)(2), and Class “B” residence districts; and
      (2)   All use of land, air, watercourses, buildings, and structures, or industrial processes, that may be noxious or injurious by reason of the production or emission of dust, smoke, refuse matter, odor, gas, fumes, noise, vibration, or similar substances or conditions. Prohibited uses include, but not limited to:
         (a)   Acid manufacture;
         (b)   Distillation of bones, coal, or wood;
         (c)   Explosive manufacturing or storage;
         (d)   Fat rendering;
         (e)   Fertilizer manufacture;
         (f)   Garbage, offal, or dead animal reduction;
         (g)   Glue manufacture;
         (h)   Petroleum refining;
         (i)   Smelting of tin, copper, zinc, or iron ores; and
         (j)   Stockyards or slaughtering of animals.
   (B)   Use location regulations. No building permit or occupancy certificate shall be issued for any use permitted in Class “I” districts until, and unless, the location of such use shall have been approved by the Town Council; and, provided further, that the provisions of the present or hereafter adopted laws of the town regulating the location are complied with.
   (C)   Junk yard and the like. Junk yard or automobile wrecking yard, commercial scrap iron, or scrap paper operations must be enclosed within a solid fence, or by other means wholly concealed as approved by the Town Council.
   (D)   Height of buildings. Height restrictions must comply with federal aviation regulations.
   (E)   Percentage of lot covered. There shall be no restriction as to the portions of the lot that may or may not be occupied by buildings, accessory buildings, or structures.
   (F)   Yards. There shall be no restrictions or requirements as to front, rear, or side yards.
(Prior Code, § 11-1-11)
   All land within the town limits not otherwise zoned as residence districts, commercial district, or industrial district shall be classified as agriculture open space.
(Prior Code, § 11-1-12)
§ 155.99 PENALTY.
   Any person, firm, or corporation owning, controlling, or managing any building or premises wherein or whereon there shall be placed, or there exists, anything in violation of the provisions of this chpater, or who shall assist in the commission of any violation of these provisions, or builds contrary to the plans and specifications submitted to, and approved by, the Town Council, or who shall omit, neglect, or refuse to do any act required in these provisions, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine not exceeding $500, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 11-1-23) (Ord. passed 12-12-2005)