(a)   Special meetings of Council shall be held on a day and at an hour designated in the notice hereinafter provided for calling the same. However, if no hour is named in such notice, then such special meetings shall be held at the hour fixed for the holding of regular meetings.
(Ord. 4. Passed 11-4-29.)
   (b)   The Mayor or any three Aldermen may call a special meeting of Council to be held on such day and hour as is specified in the call for such special meeting as hereinafter provided.
   (c)   The Mayor or Aldermen calling the meeting shall issue a summons, directed to the Chief of Police, notifying the members of Council to attend a meeting of Council at the City Hall, which summons shall be served by the Chief of Police by reading the same to each member of Council. The call shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called and no other business except that for which the meeting is called shall be considered by Council. The call shall be in the following form:
      To:                                        , Chief of Police:
   You are hereby commanded to notify the members of the City Council of the City of Christopher, Illinois, that there will be a special meeting of the Council at the City Hall on the         day of        , A. D. 19_, at the hour of          ,    . M., for the purpose of transacting the following business:
   The call shall be returned to the City Clerk, who shall read the same to Council at such special meeting and enter it, with the Chief's return, upon the pages of the record of such meeting.
   The Chief's return on such call shall be as follows:
Personally served the within summons by reading the same to the following named members of the City Council:                                                                                    , this             day of              , A.D. 19      .