The following accessory uses customarily incidental to a permitted principal use on the same lot therewith are permitted:
   (a)   Private garages or parking areas;
   (b)   Living quarters of persons employed on the premises;
   (c)   The office of a physician, dentist, lawyer, architect, engineer, accountant or insurance agent within his or her dwelling;
   (d)   Customary incidental home occupations, such as handicraft, dressmaking, millinery and preserving, but not including a beauty shop, barber shop, dancing or music school with more than one pupil at any one time or a similar activity carried on solely by resident occupants within their residence, subject to the following provisions: that not more than one room is used for such purposes by a resident family; that no such use requires internal or external alterations or involves construction features or the use of mechanical equipment not customarily used in a dwelling; that nothing not produced on the premises is sold or offered for sale; and that no display of goods or services pertaining to such is visible from the street;
   (e)   Real estate signs of a temporary nature, not exceeding two in number per lot and not larger than twelve square feet and set back twenty feet from a highway, street or road;
   (f)   Small announcement or professional signs not exceeding four square feet, except that an announcement sign or bulletin board not over twelve square feet, set back twenty feet or more from a highway, street or road, may be erected and maintained in connection with any of the permitted principal uses of a non-residential character; and
   (g)   A sign flat against a building appertaining to a nonconforming use on the premises, not exceeding fifty square feet, except as may be specifically authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(Ord. 340. Passed 12-19-66.)