(a) No person shall sell or offer for sale at retail, or give away or consume in or upon any licensed premises, any alcoholic liquor between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, and from 2:00 a.m. on Sunday until 6:00 a.m. of the following Monday; however, the holders of Class A and Class C licenses who derive more than 60% of their revenue from the sale of food or meals may stay open on Sundays and may sell alcoholic liquor or beverages between the hours of 12:00 (noon) and 7:00 p.m. The holders of Class B licenses may stay open on Sundays and may sell alcoholic liquor or beverages between the hours of 12:00 (noon) and 7:00 p.m.
(b) The Liquor Commissioner, with the prior consent of a majority of the City Council of the City of Christopher, may extend the hours of Class B license holders on Sunday for a special occasion only. Private clubs and organizations and the holders of both Class A and Class B liquor licenses may be open for the sale of alcoholic beverages during the regular hours prescribed by this section if New Year’s Eve falls on a Sunday.
(c) The Mayor and the Council, by prior consent, may allow Class A license holders to stay open on the Sunday designated as “Super Bowl Sunday” from 3:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. However, each Class A license holder who desires to stay open on “Super Bowl Sunday” between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. must obtain the prior approval of the Mayor and Council for each year that they desire to remain open.
(Ord. 656. Passed 2-13-95; Ord. 964. Passed 6-13-16; Ord. 1,005. Passed 8-9-21.)