(a)   A normal work week for permanent full-time employees shall consist of five eight-hour work days in each calendar week, unless otherwise specified. (Ord. 459. Passed 3-3-80.)
   (b)   All permanent full-time salaries, as stated, shall be for a forty-hour work week, unless otherwise specified. If a holiday occurs during the work week of an employee, the holiday shall count as eight hours of work for the employee during that work week for purposes of computing overtime wages. (Ord. 712. Passed 11-10-97.)
   (c)   The payment of overtime wages shall be made in all cases for all hours worked in excess of forty in any calendar week. Only overtime which is authorized by department heads will be paid.
   (d)   Due to the nature of some City jobs which do not require a fixed number of hours per day, week or month, hourly wage rates and schedules may be indicated. (Ord. 459. Passed 3-3-80.)
   (e)   Payroll will be based upon recorded time records which are maintained by department heads. Payroll shall be prepared and paid pursuant to accepted accounting principles. Time cards must be punched by all employees daily, including department heads. The card hours shall not be written upon such time cards by anyone, except by a person in the Mayor's office. A time card shall not be removed from the card rack and shall not be punched by anyone except the employee who is to receive the pay for hours shown upon the card. Any deviation from this policy shall result in disciplinary action.
   (f)   Department heads shall be salaried, but shall be paid overtime for all hours over forty hours worked in a regular work week at the hourly rate based upon their annual salary. Department heads shall be compensated for hours worked on holidays by giving such department heads an equal number of hours off duty at another time. (Ord. 480. Passed 8-17-81.)
   (g)   All other permanent full-time City employees shall be paid on an hourly rate based on a forty-hour week and shall be paid twice per month. All work exceeding an average of forty hours per week during a pay period shall be considered overtime and shall be compensated at the premium rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular hourly rate. The computation for overtime shall compute only hours actually worked in a pay period and shall not include sick days, vacation days, holidays, etc. (Ord. 529. Passed 10-22-85.)
   (h)   Employees shall not perform any personal business during regular working hours. Employees shall be entitled to a thirty-minute lunch break and two fifteen-minute breaks in accordance with personnel policies of the City, except the Water Cashier, who shall work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with one hour for lunch and two fifteen-minute breaks. Employees shall not use or consume alcohol or drugs while on the job except for medication prescribed by a physician. The Mayor shall determine the starting times of all City employees. (Ord. 591. Passed 6-11-90.)
   (i)   Each department head shall fill out a daily activity log provided by the City for each working day, and the log shall be turned in to the Mayor’s office at the end of each regular working day. The department head turning in the log shall sign the log before turning it in to the Mayor’s office. (Ord. 555. Passed 1-11-88.)