1.   No lot or parcel shall be divided to create a lot or parcel not in conformance with these regulations. No lot shall be divided or combined in any manner other than through subdivision procedures as specified by the subdivision and Land split Regulations of the Town.
2.   All proposed subdivisions of land and land splits shall be submitted for review and approval, prior to transfer, sale, lease, or subdivision recordation, to the Development Services Director. Any parcel subdivision and/or land split, recorded or unrecorded with the Town, which is reviewed and considered by the Zoning Administrator to be in violation of the Town Code, subdivision and land split definitions and/or related Unified Development Ordinance regulations and/or Arizona Revised Statutes shall be submitted in written notice of evidence to the Town Attorney and/or the Arizona Department of Real Estate Commissioner for legal inquiry and determinations as provided by Section 1.6 and Section 1.8 of this Ordinance and Arizona Revised Statutes.
3.   Land surveys of land parcels and lots within the Town boundaries shall comply with Arizona Revised Statutes governing the filing and recording of land surveys establishing points and property lines.
4.   Owner(s) of land who desire to subdivide land, the whole or part of which is in an area within three (3) miles of the Town corporate limits, for the purpose of selling, shall first give written notice to the Town of his intention to subdivide the land. Notice shall name and describe the land so that it may be identified upon the ground, and shall submit to the Town a tentative plat of the land showing the manner in which he/she desires to subdivide the land. Such submittal shall conform to all requirements of A.R.S. § 9-474.
(Ord. 06-678, passed 11-9-2006)