(A)   Each person applying for a water and/or sewer connection shall present a valid plumbing permit issued by the town’s Building Department to the Utility Department as a prerequisite for the approval of the requested service connection.
   (B)   The applicant shall state the following in his or her application for a new service tap:
      (1)   Name;
      (2)   Description of the lot, block and addition;
      (3)   The desired location where the town main is to be tapped;
      (4)   The desired tap size to be made;
      (5)   The official house or building address assigned to the premises; and
      (6)   The purpose for which the water will be used.
   (C)   The Department, as a condition to granting the application and furnishing water and/or sewer to the premises, is authorized to and shall require payment for the installation of service connections and meters.
   (D)   Service applications are required of all customers requesting activation or reactivation of water and/or sewer service. Application information must be submitted for each service address. An application must also be submitted when requesting the transfer of service from one customer to another. Service applications will require the information the finance director deems appropriate, in compliance with applicable state laws.
   (E)   Activation or reactivation of water service shall not be performed until an initial water meter reading has been completed and the town has received payment in full of an activation or reactivation fee as established by the Town Council by resolution.
(2001 Code, § 15-1-15) (Ord. 04-578, passed 7-22-2004; Am. Ord. 2022-913, passed 2-22-2022)