(A)   The Office of the Town Manager of the town is hereby created and established. The Town Manager shall be appointed by the Council on the basis of administrative and executive ability. Annual performance evaluations will be performed by the Council on or before the adoption of the final fiscal year budget. The Office of Town Manager will function as depicted on the organization chart. The Town Manager serves at the pleasure of the Council and is responsible only to the Council.
   (B)   Residency in the town at the time of appointment shall not be required as a condition of appointment. However, permanent residency in the Tri-City/Yavapai County area will be required within 1 year of appointment.
   (C)   No member of the Council shall be eligible for appointment as Town Manager until 1 year has elapsed after the Council member shall have ceased to a be a member.
   (D)   The Town Manager shall appoint, from among the department heads, an acting Town Manager to serve in his or her absence for a period of up to 30 days of planned absence. For Town Manager absences exceeding 30 days and for absences due to disability, termination or death, the Town Council shall appoint an Acting Town Manager.
   (E)   The Town Manager shall receive compensation as determined by the Council. The Town Manager shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties.
   (F)   The Town Manager shall be employed and/or terminated only by Council action.
   (G)   The Town Manager shall be the head of the administrative branch of the town government. The Town Manager shall, under the specific direction and control of the Council, be responsible for the proper administration of the affairs of the town.
      (1)   Except when excused, the Town Manager shall attend all meetings of the Council.
      (2)   The Town Manager shall make personnel decisions regarding the employment of all officers and employees of the town not appointed by the Council. The Town Manager shall notify the Council, however, of his or her intentions to hire, suspend, demote or remove a department head and, if a Council member provides input, shall consider such input prior to making a final decision regarding the department head.
      (3)   The Town Manager shall have the exclusive authority to control, order and give directions to each department head, while each department head shall retain the direct supervision of the employees within each department. Personnel decisions involving disciplinary action concerning employees within a department are within the sound discretion of the Town Manager, and shall be made by the Town Manager or by the department head with the approval of the Town Manager.
      (4)   Except for the purpose of inquiry, the Council and its members shall deal with the town’s administrative functions solely through the Town Manager. Neither the Council nor any member thereof shall give orders directly to, or discuss job performance directly with, any subordinates of the Town Manager, either publicly or privately, but may discuss the same directly with the Town Manager. No individual member of the Council shall direct or request of the Town Manager the appointment of any person to office or the removal from office of any employee or any subordinates.
      (5)   It shall be the duty of the Town Manager to see that all laws and ordinances of the town and that all franchises, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the Council are faithfully observed and to report any failure in that regard to the Council which shall give such instruction and direction as it may desire for remedial, corrective or terminating action by the Town Manager.
      (6)   In the discharge of duties, the Town Manager shall endeavor at all times to exercise the highest degree of tact, patience and courtesy in contacts with the public and with employees, to the end that the highest possible standards of public service shall be continuously maintained.
(2001 Code, § 3-2-1) (Am. Ord. 523, passed - -2002; Am. Ord. 13-768, passed 4-9-2013)