Except as provided in divisions (A) and (B) below, no person shall park or allow to be parked any commercial vehicle of 13,000 pounds or greater, or related part or piece of heavy equipment on any residential property in the town, except when necessary to conduct an authorized commercial purpose on the property as defined below.
   (A)   On developed residential properties less than 1 acre, a commercial vehicle with no more than 2 axles, when used as a commuter or for business purposes off-site or for an on-call purpose shall be permitted;
   (B)   On developed residential properties of 1 acre or more, 1 commercial vehicle, 1 trailer, and 1 piece of heavy equipment shall be permitted when used for business purposes at off-site locations.
   (C)   On developed residential properties greater than 2 acres property owners shall be permitted to maintain and house no more than 4 commercial grade vehicles and/or equipment when used for personal on-site property improvements and maintenance.
(Ord. 2019-864, passed 7-23-2019)