(A)   Unless serviced by another public water provider, where commercial, industrial and other non-residential property is located on a street in which a water main is laid, the property shall be connected with the town’s water system. These service connections shall extend at right angles from the main to the curbside, or property line, and shall be installed in accordance with town standard details.
   (B)   A new home on residential property located upon a street where a town water main is located shall be connected with the town water system at the time of construction. The connection shall not prohibit the construction and operation of a non-exempt well in accordance with state ADWR regulations.
   (C)   Where a new town water main is laid on a street with existing residential homes that have an on-site domestic well, the properties may elect to continue use of their on-site well in lieu of connecting to the town system. In the event that the properties do connect to the town system, either at the time of original line construction or at some later date, the on-site well shall be properly sealed and abandoned. In accordance with ADWR and ADEQ standards, the abandonment shall be inspected, confirmed and documented by the Utility Department.
   (D)   The number, location, manner of construction and sizes of all service connections shall be subject to the approval of the Public Works Director.
   (E)   New subdivisions containing lots of less than one acre shall connect each lot to the town’s water system. New subdivisions containing lots of 1 acre or greater which are within 300 feet of the town’s water system shall connect each lot to the town’s water system.
   (F)   Private systems and wells shall not be constructed where the town’s public water system is available at the property line of a lot, or within 300 feet of the property line of a subdivision.
   (G)   Service connection to the town water system shall only be provided pursuant to an application or agreement between the property owner or applicant and the town. An application or agreement for service connection to a new project or development shall be approved and accepted by the town only if the town finds that the project or development is consistent with, conforms to, and furthers the implementation of:
      (1)   The town’s water use policy.
      (2)   The town’s general plan.
      (3)   Any applicable adopted plan, including, but not limited to, specific area plan, circulation plan, capital improvement plan, growth planning, or growth management plan.
      (4)   The town’s water budget.
(Ord. 04-578, passed 7-22-2004; Am. Ord. 2022-913, passed 2-22-2022)