In order to facilitate a fair and equitable WSRP, every water use will be grouped into one of three classifications.
   (A)   Class I: Essential water uses. These uses include but may not be limited to water use required to/for:
      (1)   Sustain human life and the lives of domestic pets;
      (2)   Maintain minimum standards of hygiene and sanitation;
      (3)   Health care uses necessary for patient care and rehabilitation;
      (4)   Firefighting, including training and drills as approved by the Mayor.
   (B)   Class II: Socially or economically important water uses. These include but may not be limited to water use required to/for:
      (1)   Preserve commercial vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, nursery stock and livestock maintenance;
      (2)   Outdoor commercial watering, public or private;
      (3)   Establishing vegetation, after construction/earth moving activities;
      (4)   Filling and operation of municipal or private swimming pools provided that these swimming pools serve 25 or more residents;
      (5)   Operation of commercial car washes, restaurants, laundromats, clubs, schools, churches and other similar establishments.
   (C)   Class III: Non-essential water uses. These uses include but may not be limited to:
      (1)   Operation of water fountains, ornamental pools and recreational swimming pools that serve fewer than 25 persons;
      (2)   Non-commercial washing of motor vehicles, sidewalks, houses, etc.;
      (3)   Non-commercial watering of gardens, lawns, parks, playing fields and other recreational
(Ord. passed 9-18-2008; Am. Ord. passed 7-17-2010; Am. Ord. passed 2-23-2018)