The following signs and sign features or components are prohibited:
   (A)   Any sign or sign structure, whether temporary or permanent, located in any public or private road or highway right-of-way, with the exception of governmental signs;
   (B)   Any sign that obstructs the view of motorists entering or exiting roads or highways, or interfering with a driver's view of approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic;
   (C)   Any sign that is located in any manner or place so as to constitute a hazard to traffic. Windblown signs, permanent or temporary moving signs, or any device used to attract attention, all or part of which is set in motion by wind, mechanical, electrical, or other means;
   (D)   Animated signs or blinking signs;
   (E)   Directly illuminated signs and internally lit signs;
   (F)   Freestanding signs in the TB Tourist Business District unless granted a Conditional Use Permit following the guidelines outlined within this chapter (see § 151.25(B)(1)(c)2);
   (G)   Tethered balloons or inflated signs;
   (H)   Off-premise advertising signs and off-premise directional signs;
   (I)   Any non-governmental sign resembling a public safety warning sign or traffic signal;
   (J)   Roof signs;
   (K)   Any sign painted or displayed on a vehicle or trailer, if the vehicle or trailer is parked in a location for the primary purpose of displaying the sign, or placed in a location where the sign is not otherwise permitted, except for signs that are painted on or attached to commercial vehicles which are not parked for the primary purpose of displaying the sign; and
   (L)   Any sign constructed, posted, or maintained upon a tree, utility pole, or attached to a natural feature.
(Ord. passed 10-19-2004; Am. Ord. passed - -)