   (A)   Every motor vehicle and motorcycle shall be equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the operator a view of the highway to the rear of such vehicle or motorcycle. Operators of vehicles and motorcycles shall have a clear and unobstructed view to the front and to both sides of their vehicles and motorcycles and shall have a clear view to the rear of their vehicles and motorcycles by mirror.
   (B)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.23) ('73 Code, § 71.19)
   (A)   For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT RATING means the manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating established for that vehicle.
   MANUFACTURER has the same meaning as in R.C. § 4501.01.
   MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLE means a motor vehicle with motive power, except a motorcycle, designed to carry ten persons or less, that is constructed either on a truck chassis or with special features for occasional off-road operation.
   PASSENGER CAR means any motor vehicle with motive power, designed for carrying ten persons or less, except a multipurpose passenger vehicle or motorcycle.
   TRUCK means every motor vehicle, except trailers and semitrailers, designed and used to carry property and having a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less.
   (B)   Rules adopted by the Director of Public Safety, in accordance with R.C. Chapter 119, shall govern the maximum bumper height or, in the absence of bumpers and in cases where bumper height have been lowered or modified, the maximum height to the bottom of the frame rail of any passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle or truck.
   (C)   No person shall operate upon a street or highway any passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle or truck registered in this state that does not conform to the requirements of this section or any applicable rule adopted pursuant to R.C. § 4513.021.
   (D)   No person shall modify any motor vehicle registered in this state in such a manner as to cause the vehicle body or chassis to come in contact with the ground, expose the fuel tank to damage from collision, or cause the wheels to come in contact with the body under normal operation, and no person shall disconnect any part of the original suspension system of the vehicle to defeat the safe operation of that system.
   (E)   Nothing contained in this section or in the rules adopted pursuant to R.C. § 4513.021 shall be construed to prohibit either of the following:
      (1)   The installation upon a passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle or truck registered in this state of heavy duty equipment, including shock absorbers and overload springs:
      (2)   The operation on a street or highway of a passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle, or truck registered in this state with normal wear to the suspension system if the normal wear does not adversely affect the control of the vehicle.
   (F)   This section and the rules adopted pursuant to R.C. § 4513.021 do not apply to any specially designed or modified passenger car, multipurpose passenger vehicle, or truck when operated off a street or highway in races and similar events.
   (G)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.021) Penalty, see § 70.99
Statutory reference:
   Maximum height on bumpers, see OAC Chapter 4501-43
   (A)   (1)   Every motor vehicle and motorcycle with an internal combustion engine shall at all times be equipped with a muffler which is in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise, and no person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a highway. Every motorcycle muffler shall be equipped with baffle plates.
      (2)   No person shall own, operate or have in the person's possession any motor vehicle or motorcycle equipped with a device for producing excessive smoke or gas, or so equipped as to permit oil or any other chemical to flow into or upon the exhaust pipe or muffler of such vehicle, or equipped in any way to produce or emit smoke or dangerous or annoying gases from any portion of such vehicle, other than the ordinary gases emitted by the exhaust of an internal combustion engine under normal operation.
   (B)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.22) ('73 Code, §§ 71.16 and 71.20)
§ 74.42 TIRES.
   No person shall operate any vehicle unless it has tires of rubber or of some equally resilient materials; except in the following cases:
   (A)   Vehicles drawn by animal power.
   (B)   Road rollers, concrete mixers, platform trucks, or traction engines being transported beyond the limits of the city, and other similar devices which may have smooth metallic tires, without cleats, lugs, spikes, projections, or sharp or uneven parts likely to cause damage to the surface of the roadway.
('73 Code, § 71.13) Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   Every solid tire, as defined in R.C. § 4501.01, on a vehicle shall have rubber or other resilient material on its entire traction surface at least one inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery.
(R.C. § 4513.25) ('73 Code, § 71.14)
   (B)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.99)
   (A)   As used in this section and in R.C. § 4513.263 or a substantially equivalent municipal ordinance, the component parts of a SEAT SAFETY BELT include a belt, anchor attachment assembly, and a buckle or closing device.
   (B)   No person shall sell, lease, rent, or operate any passenger car, as defined in R.C. § 4501.01(E), that is registered or to be registered in this state and that is manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1962, unless the passenger car is equipped with sufficient anchorage units at the attachment points for attaching at least two sets of seat safety belts to its front seat. Such anchorage units at the attachment points shall be of such construction, design, and strength to support a loop load pull of not less than 4,000 pounds for each belt.
   (C)   No person shall sell, lease, or rent any passenger car, as defined in R.C. § 4501.01(E), that is registered or to be registered in this state and that is manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1966, unless the passenger car has installed in its front seat at least two seat safety belt assemblies.
   (D)   After January 1, 1966, neither any seat safety belt for use in a motor vehicle nor any component part of any such seat safety belt shall be sold in this municipality unless the seat safety belt or the component part satisfies the minimum standard of specifications established by the society of automotive engineers for automotive seat belts and unless the seat safety belt or component part is labeled so as to indicate that it meets those minimum standard specifications.
   (E)   Each sale, lease, or rental in violation of this section constitutes a separate offense.
   (F)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.262)
   (A)   Any person operating any vehicle transporting explosives upon a highway shall at all times comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   The vehicle shall be marked or placarded on each side and on the rear with the word “EXPLOSIVES” in letters not less than eight inches high, or there shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicle a red flag not less than 24 inches square marked with the word “DANGER” in white letters six inches high, or shall be marked or placarded in accordance with Section 177.823 of the United States Department of Transportation regulations.
      (2)   The vehicle shall be equipped with not less than two fire extinguishers, filled and ready for immediate use, and placed at convenient points on such vehicle.
(R.C. § 4513.29) ('73 Code, § 71.37)
   (B)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.99)