(A) (1) Every motor vehicle when operated upon a highway shall be equipped with a horn which is in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible, under normal conditions, from a distance of not less than 200 feet.
(2) No motor vehicle shall be equipped with, nor shall any person use upon a vehicle, any siren, whistle, or bell. Any vehicle may be equipped with a theft alarm signal device which shall be so arranged that it cannot be used as an ordinary warning signal. Every emergency vehicle shall be equipped with a siren, whistle or bell, capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 500 feet and of a type approved by the Director of Public Safety. Such equipment shall not be used except when such vehicle is operated in response to an emergency call or is in the immediate pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law, in which case the driver of the emergency vehicle shall sound such equipment when it is necessary to warn pedestrians and other drivers of the approach thereof.
(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.21) ('73 Code, § 71.17)
(A) (1) No person shall operate any motor vehicle manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1954, unless the vehicle is equipped with electrical or mechanical directional signals.
(2) No person shall operate any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1968, unless the vehicle is equipped with electrical or mechanical directional signals.
(B) DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS means an electrical or mechanical signal device capable of clearly indicating an intention to turn either to the right or to the left and which shall be visible from both the front and rear.
(C) All mechanical signal devices shall be self-illuminating devices when in use at the times mentioned in R.C. § 4513.03 or a substantially
municipal ordinance.
(D) Whoever violates this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.261) ('73 Code, § 71.30) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) No person shall operate any motor truck, bus, or commercial tractor upon any highway at any time from sunset to sunrise unless there is carried in such vehicle, except as provided in division (B) of this section, the following equipment which shall be of the types approved by the Director of Transportation.
(1) At least three flares or three red reflectors or three red electric lanterns, each of which is capable of being seen and distinguished at a distance of 500 feet under normal atmospheric conditions at nighttime;
(2) At least three red-burning fusees, unless red reflectors or red electric lanterns are carried;
(3) At least two red cloth flags, not less than two inches square, with standards to support them;
(4) The type of red reflectors shall comply with such standards and specifications in effect on September 16, 1963, or later established by the Interstate Commerce Commission and must be certified as meeting such standards by Underwriters Laboratories.
(B) No person shall operate at the time and under the conditions stated in this section any motor vehicle used in transporting flammable liquids in bulk, or in transporting compressed flammable gases, unless there is carried in such vehicle three red electric lanterns or three red reflectors meeting the requirements stated in division (A) of this section. There shall not be carried in any such vehicle any flare, fusee, or signal produced by a flame.
(C) This section does not apply to any person who operates any motor vehicle in a work area designated by protection equipment devices that are displayed and used in accordance with the manual adopted by the Department of Transportation under R.C. § 4511.09.
(R.C. § 4513.27)
(D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.99) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) Whenever any motor truck, bus, commercial tractor, trailer, semitrailer, or pole trailer is disabled upon any freeway, expressway, thruway and connecting, entering, or exiting ramps within the municipality, at any time when lighted lamps are required on vehicles, the operator of such vehicle shall display the following warning devices upon the highway during the time the vehicle is so disabled on the highway except as provided in division (B) of this section:
(1) A lighted fusee shall be immediately placed on the roadway at the traffic side of such vehicle, unless red electric lanterns or red reflectors are displayed.
(2) Within the burning period of the fusee and as promptly as possible, three lighted flares or pot torches, or three red reflectors or three red electric lanterns shall be placed on the roadway as follows:
(a) One at a distance of 40 paces or approximately 100 feet in advance of the vehicle;
(b) One at a distance of 40 paces or approximately 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle, except as provided in this section, each in the center of the lane of traffic occupied by the disabled vehicle;
(c) One at the traffic side of the vehicle.
(B) Whenever any vehicle used in transporting flammable liquids in bulk, or in transporting compressed flammable gases, is disabled upon a highway at any time or place mentioned in division (A) of this section, the driver of such vehicle shall display upon the roadway the following warning devices:
(1) One red electric lantern or one red reflector shall be immediately placed on the roadway at the traffic side of the vehicle;
(2) Two other red electric lanterns or two other red reflectors shall be placed to the front and rear of the vehicle in the same manner prescribed for flares in division (A) of this section.
(C) When a vehicle of a type specified in division (B) of this section is disabled, the use of flares, fusees, or any signal produced by flame as warning signals is prohibited.
(D) Whenever any vehicle of a type referred to in this section is disabled upon any freeway, expressway, thruway, and connecting, entering, or exiting ramps within the municipality, at any time when the display of fusees, flares, red reflectors, or electric lanterns is not required, the operator of such vehicle shall display two red flags upon the roadway in the lane of traffic occupied by the disabled vehicle, one at a distance of 40 paces or approximately 100 feet in advance of the vehicle, and one at a distance of 40 paces or approximately 100 feet to the rear of the vehicle, except as provided in this section.
(E) The flares, fusees, lanterns, red reflectors, and flags to be displayed as required in this section shall conform with the applicable requirements of R.C. § 4513.27 or a substantially
municipal ordinance.
(F) In the event the vehicle is disabled near a curve, crest of a hill, or other obstruction of view, the flare, flag, reflector, or lantern in that direction shall be placed as to afford ample warning to other users of the highway, but in no case shall it be placed less than 40 paces or approximately 100 feet nor more than 120 paces or approximately 300 feet from the disabled vehicle.
(G) This section does not apply to the operator of any vehicle in a work area designated by protection equipment devices that are displayed and used in accordance with the manual adopted by the Department of Transportation under R.C. § 4511.09.
(H) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.28)
(A) No person shall drive any motor vehicle on a street or highway in this municipality, other than a motorcycle or motorized bicycle, that is not equipped with a windshield.
(B) (1) No person shall drive any motor vehicle, other than a bus, with any sign, poster, or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, sidewings, side, or rear windows of such vehicle other than a certificate or other paper required to be displayed by law, except that there may be in the lower left-hand or right-hand corner of the windshield a sign, poster, or decal not to exceed four inches in height by six inches in width. No sign, poster, or decal shall be displayed in the front windshield in such a manner as to conceal the vehicle identification number for the motor vehicle when, in accordance with federal law, that number is located inside the vehicle passenger compartment and so placed as to be readable through the vehicle glazing without moving any part of the vehicle.
(2) Division (B)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who is driving a passenger car with an electronic device, including an antenna, electronic tolling or other transponder, camera, directional navigation device, or other similar electronic device located in the front windshield if the device meets both of the following:
(a) It does not restrict the vehicle operator’s sight lines to the road and highway signs and signals.
(b) It does not conceal the vehicle identification number.
(3) Division (B)(1) of this section does not apply to a person who is driving a commercial car with an electronic device, including an antenna, electronic tolling or other transponder, camera, directional navigation device, or other similar electronic device located in the front windshield if the device meets both of the following:
(a) It does not restrict the vehicle operator’s sight lines to the road and highway signs and signals.
(b) It is mounted not more than six inches below the upper edge of the windshield and is outside the area swept by the vehicle’s windshield wipers.
(C) The windshield on every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a device for cleaning rain, snow, or other moisture from the windshield. The device shall be maintained in good working order and so constructed as to be controlled or operated by the operator of the vehicle.
(D) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.24) ('73 Code, §§ 71.26, 71.27, and 71.28)
(A) Safety glass.
(1) No person shall sell any new motor vehicle nor shall any new motor vehicle be registered, and no person shall operate any motor vehicle, which is registered in this state and which has been manufactured or assembled on or after January 1, 1936, unless the motor vehicle is equipped with safety glass, wherever glass is used in the windshields, doors, partitions, rear windows, and windows on each side immediately adjacent to the rear window.
(2) SAFETY GLASS means any product composed of glass so manufactured, fabricated, or treated as substantially to prevent shattering and flying of the glass when it is struck or broken, or such other or similar product as may be approved by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.
(3) Glass other than safety glass shall not be offered for sale, or sold for use in, or installed in any door, window, partition, or windshield that is required by this section to be equipped with safety glass.
(R.C. § 4513.26)
(B) Tinted or reflectorized material.
(1) No person shall operate, on any highway or other public or private property open to the public for vehicular travel or parking, lease, or rent any motor vehicle that is registered in this state unless the motor vehicle conforms to the requirements concerning tinted glass and reflectorized material of R.C. § 4513.241 and of any applicable rule adopted under that section.
(2) No person shall install in or on any motor vehicle any glass or other material that fails to conform to the requirements of R.C. § 4513.241 or of any rule adopted under that section.
(3) (a) No used motor vehicle dealer or new motor vehicle dealer, as defined in R.C. § 4517.01, shall sell any motor vehicle that fails to conform to the requirements of R.C. § 4513.241 or of any rule adopted under that section.
(b) No manufacturer, remanufacturer, or distributor, as defined in R.C. § 4517.01, shall provide to a motor vehicle dealer licensed under R.C. Chapter 4517 or to any other person, a motor vehicle that fails to conform to the requirements of R.C. § 4513.241 or of any rule adopted under that section.
(4) No reflectorized materials shall be permitted upon or in any front windshield, side windows, sidewings, or rear window.
(5) This division (B) does not apply to the manufacturer's tinting or glazing of motor vehicle windows or windshields that is otherwise in compliance with or permitted by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard #205.
(6) With regard to any side window behind a driver's seat or any rear window other than any window on an emergency door, this division (B) does not apply to any school bus used to transport a child with disabilities pursuant to R.C. Chapter 3323, whom it is impossible or impractical to transport by regular school bus in the course of regular route transportation provided by a school district. As used in this division, CHILD WITH DISABILITIES
has the same meaning as in R.C. § 3323.01.
(7) This division (B) does not apply to any school bus that is to be sold and operated outside the municipality.
(8) (a) This division (B) does not apply to a motor vehicle used by a law enforcement agency under either of the following circumstances:
1. The vehicle does not have distinctive markings of a law enforcement vehicle but is operated by or on behalf of the law enforcement agency in an authorized investigation or other activity requiring that the presence and identity of the vehicle occupants be undisclosed.
2. The vehicle primarily is used by the law enforcement canine unit for transporting a police dog.
(b) As used in this division, LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY
means a police department, the office of a sheriff, the State Highway Patrol, a county prosecuting attorney, or a federal, state, or local governmental body that enforces criminal laws and that has employees who have a statutory power of arrest.
(R.C. § 4513.241(C) - (J)) ('73 Code, § 71.19)
(C) (1) Whoever violates division (A) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(R.C. § 4513.99)
(2) Whoever violates division (B)(1), (B)(3)(b) or (B)(4) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(3) Whoever violates division (B)(3)(a) of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor if the dealer or the dealer’s agent knew of the nonconformity at the time of sale.
(4) (a) Whoever violates division (B)(2) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, except that an organization may not be convicted unless the act of installation was authorized by the board of directors, trustees, partners, or by a high managerial officer acting on behalf of the organization, and installation was performed by an employee of the organization acting within the scope of the person’s employment.
(b) In addition to any other penalty imposed under this section, whoever violates division (B)(2) of this section is liable in a civil action to the owner of a motor vehicle on which was installed the nonconforming glass or material for any damages incurred by that person as a result of the installation of the nonconforming glass or material, costs of maintaining the civil action, and attorney fees.
(c) In addition to any other penalty imposed under this section, if the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a violation of division (B)(2) of this section and the offender is a motor vehicle repair operator registered under R.C. Chapter 4775 or a motor vehicle dealer licensed under R.C. Chapter 4517, whoever violates division (B)(2) of this section is subject to a registration or license suspension, as applicable, for a period of not more than 180 days.
(R.C. § 4513.241(K)) Penalty, see § 70.99
Statutory reference:
Regulations, see OAC Chapter 4501-41
Recording and reporting violations, certain court requirements, see R.C. § 4513.241(L)