The Floodplain Administrator shall:
(A) Review applications for development in special flood hazard areas to determine the completeness of information submitted. The applicant shall be notified of incompleteness or additional information that is required to support the application.
(B) Notify applicants that permits from MDE and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other state and federal authorities may be required.
(C) Review all permit applications to assure that all necessary permits have been received from the federal, state or local governmental agencies from which prior approval is required. The applicant shall be responsible for obtaining such permits, including permits issued by:
(1) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act;
(2) MDE pursuant to Md. Code 26.23 (Nontidal Wetlands) and Section 401 of the Clean Water Act;
(3) MDE for construction on nontidal waters of the state pursuant to Md. Code 26.17.04; and
(4) MDE pursuant to Md. Code 26.24 (Tidal Wetlands).
(D) Review applications for compliance with these regulations after all information required in § 81-15 or identified and required by the Floodplain Administrator has been received.
(Ord. 02-2014, passed 4-21-2014)