(A) Concept plan. A concept stormwater management plan shall include:
(1) Scale of one inch equals100 feet, or greater detail;
(2) Vicinity map with site location clearly marked;
(3) North arrow;
(4) Existing natural features, water and other sensitive resources;
(5) Topography;
(6) Natural drainage patterns;
(7) Anticipated location of all proposed impervious areas, buildings, roadways, parking, sidewalks, utilities, and other site improvements;
(8) Location of the proposed limit of disturbance, erodible soils, steep slopes, and areas to be protected during construction;
(9) Preliminary estimates of stormwater management requirements, the selection and location of ESD practices to be used, and the location of all points of discharge from the site;
(10) A narrative that supports the concept design and describes how ESD will be implemented to the MEP;
(11) Any other information required by the town.
(B) Site development plan. A site development plan shall include:
(1) Scale of one inch equals100 feet, or greater detail;
(2) Vicinity map with site location clearly marked;
(3) North arrow;
(4) All the information provided in the concept stormwater management plan;
(5) Final layout;
(6) Exact impervious area locations and acreages;
(7) Proposed topography;
(8) Delineated drainage areas at all points of discharge from the site;
(9) Stormwater volume computations for ESD and quantity control;
(10) Preliminary erosion and sediment control plan that contains the construction sequence, any phasing necessary to limit earth disturbances and impacts to natural resources, and an overlay showing the types and locations of ESD and erosion and sediment control practices to be used;
(11) A narrative that supports the site development design, describes how ESD will be used to meet the minimum control requirements, and justifies any proposed structural stormwater management measures;
(12) Any other information required by the town.
(C) Final stormwater plan. A final stormwater plan shall be of sufficient detail to permit all stormwater management approvals and permits to be issued and shall include:
(1) Final erosion and sediment control plans submitted according to COMAR
(2) Construction drawings.
(3) A report that includes sufficient information to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed runoff and control design. The report shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) Geotechnical investigations, including soil maps, borings, site-specific recommendations, and any additional information necessary for the final stormwater management design;
(b) Drainage area maps depicting pre-development and post-development runoff flow path segmentation and land use;
(c) Hydrologic computations of the applicable ESD and unified sizing criteria according to the design manual for all points of discharge from the site;
(d) Hydraulic and structural computations for all ESD practices and structural stormwater management measures to be used;
(e) Narrative that supports the final stormwater management design;
(f) Any other information required by the town.
(4) Construction drawings that include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Vicinity map;
(b) North arrow;
(c) Existing and proposed topography;
(d) Proposed drainage areas, including areas necessary to determine downstream analysis for proposed stormwater management facilities;
(e) Proposed improvements, including the location of buildings and other structures, impervious surfaces, storm drainage facilities, and all grading;
(f) Location of existing and proposed structures and utilities;
(g) Existing and proposed easements and rights-of-way;
(h) Delineation of 100-year floodplains and on-site tidal and nontidal wetlands, where applicable;
(i) Structural and construction details, including representative cross sections for all components of the proposed drainage system or systems and stormwater management facilities;
(j) All necessary construction specifications;
(k) Sequence of construction;
(l) Data for total site area, disturbed area, new impervious areas, and total impervious areas;
(m) Table showing the ESD and unified sizing criteria volumes required in the design manual;
(n) Table of materials to be used for stormwater management facility planting;
(o) All soil boring logs and locations;
(p) Inspection and maintenance schedule;
(q) Owner’s certification that all stormwater management construction will be done
according to the approved stormwater management plan;
(r) As-built certification signature block, to be executed after project completion;
(s) Any other information required by the town.
(5) When the stormwater management plan involves direction of some or all runoff off the site, it is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain from the adjacent property owners any easements or other necessary property interests concerning flowage of water. Approval of a stormwater management plan does not create or affect any right to direct runoff onto adjacent property without the property owner's permission.
(Ord. 08-2010, passed 11-1-2010)