(A)   Persons authorized to turn on service. No water from the town water supply shall be turned on for service into any premises by anyone but the Manager of the town utilities or some person authorized by him or her to perform this service.
   (B)   Application requirements. Application to have water turned on shall be made, in writing, to the town and shall contain an agreement by the applicant to abide by and accept all of the provisions of this article as conditions governing the use of the town water supply and/or wastewater by the applicant.
   (C)   Plumbing subject to state or county regulations. No water shall be turned on for service in premises in which the plumbing does not comply with state or county Health Department regulations, provided that water may be turned on for construction work in unfinished buildings, subject to the provisions of this article.
   (D)   Resale prohibited. No water shall be resold or distributed by the recipient thereof from the town supply to any premises other than that for which application has been made and a meter installed, except in the case of an emergency.
   (E)   Tampering. It shall be unlawful for any person not authorized by the town to remove, tamper with, alter, or injure any part of the town waterworks or water supply system or any meter or any part of the town sewerage system or sewage treatment facility.
   (F)   Conditions for application acceptance. No application for service will be accepted by the town until the applicant has paid or made satisfactory arrangements to pay all arrears and charges due by the applicant to the town at any premises now or heretofore occupied by him or her.
(Prior Code, § 164-8) (Ord. 4-76, passed 7-6-1976)