(A)   Parking restrictions; enforcement. All vehicles within the town shall be driven and parked on the right-hand side of the street, unless a street or avenue is designated by a sign to be for one-way traffic. At any time that it shall become necessary, the Mayor and Council may mark and designate areas which may become congested for parking restrictions, banning parking altogether if necessary. No automobile or other vehicle shall stop in any street, avenue, or highway in a manner so as to hinder or delay traffic or passage, and the Police Department is empowered to enforce this provision by impounding the vehicle.
   (B)   Boulevards designated. The Mayor and Council shall designate, from time to time, such streets as shall contribute to the safe movement of traffic within the town as boulevards, and may post intersecting streets with appropriate stop signs so placed as to be readily visible to the motoring public. All traffic entering boulevards so designed shall come to a complete stop before so doing.
   (C)   Violations and penalties. Any person violating any provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided in § 160-14 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 160-5) (Ord. 1-80, passed 2-19-1980)