(A)   The Mayor and Council may, from time to time, amend, supplement, or change by ordinance the regulations herein established. Any amendment or change may be initiated by resolution of the Mayor and Council or by motion of the Planning Commission. Before taking action on any proposed amendment or change, the Mayor and Council shall submit the same to the Planning Commission for its recommendations and report. Failure of the Planning Commission to report within 60 days after its first meeting subsequent to the proposal being referred shall be deemed approval by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   The Planning Commission may hold a public hearing on any proposed amendment or change before submitting its report to the Mayor and Council. Notice of the public hearing before the Planning Commission shall be given at least 15 days prior to the hearing by publishing the time, the place, and the nature of the hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the town. The published notice shall contain reference to the place or places within the town where the full text of the proposed amendment or change may be examined.
   (C)   Before approving any proposed amendment or change, the Mayor and Council shall hold a public hearing thereon, notice of the hearing to be accomplished by publication in a newspaper as prescribed above.
(Prior Code, § 148-11) (Ord. passed 5-3-1975)