(A) General requirements. The final plat of the subdivision shall comply with the following general requirements with regard to style and content.
(1) It shall be drawn in black India ink on tracing linen or dimensionally stable plastic film and shall comply with the applicable provisions of the laws of the state relative to the making of plats;
(2) It shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, preferably at a scale of one inch to 100 feet but in any case at a scale not less than one inch to 200 feet, and it shall be drawn on sheets not less than eight inches by 12 inches and not more than 24 inches by 30 inches in size, including a margin of one-half inch outside ruled border lines.
(3) All dimensions and bearings of lines and all areas shall be based upon a field survey of sufficient accuracy and detail that the data shown thereon may be reproduced on the ground. All distances and the length of all lines shall be given to the nearest hundredth of a foot. Bearings of all lines shall be referenced to the same azimuth and coordinate system as shown on the plat of the official town controls prepared by J.R. McCrone, Jr., Engineers. Additions to existing subdivisions shall conform to the azimuth and coordinate system of the original subdivision. All bearings shall be given to the nearest minute, and all areas shall be given to the nearest square foot.
(B) Information. The final plat shall be legibly and accurately drawn and shall show the following information:
(1) The name under which the subdivision is to be recorded and the subdivision's location;
(2) The scale, date, north point and a small-scale key map showing the general location of the subdivision in relation to its surroundings;
(3) The distances and bearings for all the boundary lines of the subdivision;
(4) The locations and descriptions of all permanent survey monuments, with the coordinates of all monuments referenced to the town controls as specified above;
(5) The names and locations of adjacent subdivisions and the location of adjoining parcels of unplatted land, with the names of the owners of record;
(6) The locations, dimensions, and names of all streets and alleys within and adjoining the subdivision, with the lengths and bearings of tangents, the lengths of arcs and radii, internal angles, points of curvature, and any other necessary engineering data;
(7) The locations, dimensions, and bearings of all lot lines and the areas of lots or parcels sufficient to check compliance with zoning and health regulations;
(8) The building lines along all streets, dimensioned to street lines;
(9) Blocks lettered in alphabetical order, with the lots within each block numbered in numerical order;
(10) The locations, dimensions, and purposes of all crosswalkways, easements and other public ways; and
(11) The locations, dimensions, and purposes of any other property offered for dedication or to be reserved for acquisition for public use or to be reserved by deed covenant for the common use of property owners in the subdivision.
(C) Certificates and supporting statements. Accompanying the final plat and made a part thereof shall be the following certificates and statements:
(1) A notarized owner's certificate acknowledging ownership of the property and agreeing to the subdivision thereof as shown on the plat and signed by the owner or owners and any lienholders;
(2) A notarized owner's statement of dedication offering all streets, alleys, and other public ways and public grounds for dedication, and constituting an irrevocable offer to dedicate for a period of not less than five years from the date of filing the final plat with the Planning Commission;
(3) A certificate of the surveyor that the final plat as shown is a correct representation of the survey as made, that all monuments indicated thereon exist and are correctly shown, and that the plat complies with all requirements of this chapter and other applicable laws and regulations;
(4) A brief summary of deed restrictions applicable within the subdivision, including any trust agreements for the operation and maintenance by the property owners in the subdivision of any sewage disposal system, water supply system, park area, or other physical facility which is of common use or benefit but which is not to be held in public ownership;
(5) A certificate of approval by the Health Officer of the means of providing water supply and sewage disposal services for the subdivision;
(6) A certificate of approval by the Town Engineer that all specifications established by the developer are in accordance with town specifications and desires;
(7) A certificate of approval by the Sediment Control Officer that the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the sediment control ordinance; and
(8) A certificate of approval by the Planning Commission which is ready for signature and in a form acceptable to the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 148-9) (Ord. passed 5-3-1975)