(A)   General requirements. The preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision shall comply with the following general requirements with regard to style and content.
      (1)   It shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, preferably at a scale of one inch to 100 feet, but in any case at a scale not smaller than one inch to 200 feet.
      (2)   It shall provide all the pertinent information on existing site conditions, property ownership, and the like which may be necessary for the Planning Commission to properly consider the proposed subdivision, and the information shall be accurate and reliable.
      (3)   It shall show the general plan for the ultimate development of the property, including so much of the surrounding area as may be necessary for an adequate consideration of the land to be subdivided. The plan shall be accurately drawn to scale, but surveyed dimensions are not required.
   (B)   Information. The preliminary plat shall be drawn in a clear and legible manner and shall show the following information:
      (1)   The proposed subdivision name, which shall not duplicate nor closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in the county;
      (2)   The names and addresses of the owner of record, the subdivider, and the surveyor preparing the plat;
      (3)   The scale, date, north point and small-scale key map showing the location of the proposed subdivision;
      (4)   The boundaries of the land being subdivided in heavy outline, with the approximate dimensions of the property and the approximate acreage contained therein;
      (5)   The names and locations of adjacent subdivisions and the location of adjoining parcels of unplatted land, with the names of the owners of record;
      (6)   The location of existing property lines, streets and alleys, easements, buildings, utilities, wooded areas, watercourses, and any other significant natural or man-made physical features affecting the proposed subdivision;
      (7)   The present zoning classifications of the proposed subdivision and adjoining properties and the proposed uses of property within the area being platted;
      (8)   The layout, widths, and names of all streets, alleys, crosswalkways, and easements proposed to be dedicated for public use, with the tentative center-line grade of each street and alley. Street names shall not duplicate nor closely resemble existing street names in the county, except for extensions of existing streets;
      (9)   The layout, numbering, and approximate dimensions and areas of all proposed lots or parcels;
      (10)   The proposed building lines along all streets, with the minimum amount of setback required;
      (11)   A designation of parcels of land to be conveyed or reserved for public use or for the common use of property owners within the subdivision; and
      (12)   The tentative locations for all utilities and drainage facilities, with easements indicated where necessary.
   (C)   Supporting statements. Accompanying the preliminary plat shall be the following written and signed statements in support of the subdivider's application for tentative approval:
      (1)   A statement explaining how and when the subdivider proposes to provide and install the required water supply, sewers, or other means of sewage disposal, street pavements, curbs and gutters, and drainage structures; and
      (2)   A statement concerning any proposed deed restrictions to be imposed by the owner.
(Prior Code, § 148-7) (Ord. passed 5-3-1975)