(A)   It shall be unlawful for any individual, association, corporation, or organization to use the streets, sidewalks, public rights-of-way, or town-owned property for any event or activity without first obtaining a permit from the town as provided in this article.
   (B)   No permit shall be required, however, for street musicians or other performers of the arts who are exercising their right of free speech on the aforementioned public properties except that the musicians and performers shall not be permitted to perform within the area of an event for which the town has already granted a permit for a specified activity including, but not limited to, the Chestertown Tea Party, event parades, Downrigging Weekend, the Tea Time Tour, Crazy Days and the Chestertown Wildlife Festival. Street musicians and other performers shall at all times comply with all other provisions of the town code, including specifically the town noise ordinance and code provisions prohibiting the obstruction of sidewalks and public passage, and may accept voluntary monetary contributions of appreciation for the display of their talents.
(Prior Code, § 145-13) (Ord. 2-91, passed 3-4-1991; Ord. 08-2012, passed 11-19-2012)