The Historic District shall consist of three sections as follows:
   (A)   The description of the first section is the following:
      Beginning for the same at a point at the intersection of the division line between Parcel No. 4 of the lands of Kibler's Marina, Inc., (see E.H.P. 81/132) and the lands of Franklin L. Mench (see W.H.G. 55/274), with the approximate mean high-water line of the Chester River; thence, leaving said beginning point so fixed and binding on the aforesaid division line, in a northerly direction to a point on the southernmost side of Front Street: thence, crossing said Front Street (also known as "Water Street"), to a point at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Eugene H. Johnstone (see E.H.P. 85/841) and the lands of Carolyn Miller (see E.H.P. 8/111) with the northernmost side of Front Street: thence, leaving said point and binding on the aforementioned division line, in a northerly direction to a point; thence, leaving said point and binding northerly, to the point of intersection of the division line between the lands of the Town of Chestertown (see E.H.P. 113/313 and E.H.P. 123/189) and the lands of others with the easternmost side of Railroad Avenue; thence, leaving said point and binding on the easternmost side of the aforesaid Railroad Avenue, to a point intersecting the northeasternmost rail to the Penn Central Railroad: thence, leaving said point and binding on the northeastern most rail of the aforesaid railroad, in a northerly direction to a point at the intersection of the aforesaid rail with the center line of College Avenue Extended; thence, leaving said point and binding on the center line of College Avenue, north 40° 18' 36" east 1,291 feet, more or less, to a point; thence, leaving said point and said College Avenue and binding on the easternmost outline of the herein described Historic District, the following four (4) courses and distances: south 48° 19' 52" east 1,200.74 feet to a point intended to be at the intersection of the southeasternmost corner of the lands of George A. Pletzer (see E.H.P. 38/373) with the northernmost side of Mill Street; thence south 69º 49' 40" east 751 feet to a point in the curb of Philosospher's Terrace at the entrance to Maryland National Bank; thence north 81º 53' 24" east 808.08 feet to a point on the bridge in Queen Street and south 60° 02' 16" east 294 feet, more or less, to a point at the intersection of the northernmost side of an existing stream with the approximate mean high water line of the Chester River; thence, binding on the approximate mean high-water line of the aforesaid Chester River, in a general southwesterly direction to the place of beginning.
   (B)   The second section of the town Historic District will include part of the lands of Washington College acquired by the Kent County Free School in the year 1723. Only the following buildings on the Washington College Campus of nineteenth century origin and those buildings of the Georgian style erected in this century will come under the jurisdiction of this chapter:
      West Hall, Middle Hall, East Hall, Dunning Hall, George Avery Bunting Hall, William Smith Hall, Reid Hall and Minta Martin Hall.
   (C)   The description of the third area is the following:
      Beginning for the same at a point at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Chestertown Marina LLC. (see: M.L.M. 387/449) and the lands of Scott's Point Venture Marina LLC. (see: M.L.M. 404/314) on the approximate shoreline of the Chester River. Said beginning point also being the southernmost point of the existing Section One of the Historic District (adopted 11/09/1983). Said beginning point further being located south 60°48'14" east, a distance of 191.57' from the intersection of the division line between the said Chestertown Marina LLC. and Scott's Point Venture Marina LLC., with the southeasternmost side of Water Street.
      Thence, leaving the Chestertown Marina LLC. lands and binding on the approximate shoreline of the Chester River the following five courses and distances: south 37°56'16" west, a distance of 28.43' to a point, south 18°58'06" west, a distance of 32.37' to a point, south 26°28'07" west, a distance of 37.85' to a point, south 25°52'09" west, a distance of 34.59' to a point, south 26°04'43" west, a distance of 25.31' to a point, and south 05°48'13" east, a distance of 15.36' to an iron rod found at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Scott's Point Venture Marina LLC., lands of Town of Chestertown (see: E.H.P. 78/358).
      Thence, leaving the approximate shoreline of the Chester River and binding on said division line the following two courses and distances north 58°09'28" west, a distance of 168.47' to an iron pipe found, and north 07°20'32" east, a distance of 81.21' to a spike found at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Town of Chestertown lands, lands of Chestertown Development LP. (see: M.L.M. 13/328), and Scott's Point Venture Marina LLC.
      Thence, leaving Scott's Point Venture Marina LLC. lands and binding on the division line between the Town of Chestertown lands and the lands of Chestertown Development LP. the following two courses and distances: north 55°26'28" west, a distance of 160.26' to a point at the beginning of a curve, and thence with the arc of a curve to the right an arc length of 312.53' to the southeasternmost side of Maryland Route 289. Said curve having a radius length of 735.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 43°15'35" west, a distance of 310.18'.
      Thence, leaving the Town of Chestertown lands and the lands of Chestertown Development LP. and running across Maryland Route 289 with the arc of a curve to the right an arc length of 98.99' to a point on the centerline of the railroad tracks of the lands of State of Maryland State Railroad Administration (see: E.H.P. 134/244 & Plat No. V2-51). Said curve having a radius length of 735.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 27°13'12" west, a distance of 98.91'.
      Thence, binding on said centerline of railroad tracks the following four courses and distances: north 40°31'45" west, a distance of 812.61' to the beginning point of a curve, thence with the arc of a curve to the left an arc length of 179.32', to a point of tangency, said curve having a radius length of 1400.00', and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 44°11'54" west, and a chord length of 179.20', thence north 47°52'04" west, a distance of 1581.57' to the beginning point of a curve, and thence with the arc of a curve to the right an arc length of 348.24' to a point at the intersection of the centerline of the railroad tracks and the centerline of Lynchburg Street. Said curve having a radius length of 700.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 33°36'57" west, and a chord length of 344.66'.
      Thence, leaving the centerline railroad tracks and binding on the centerline of Lynchburg Street north 41°34'50" east, a distance of 831.51' to point at the intersection of Lynchburg Street and Calvert Street.
      Thence, leaving Lynchburg Street and binding on the centerline of Calvert Street south 52°25'56" east, a distance of 427.86' to a point on the existing Section One of the Historic District (adopted 11/09/1983) at the intersection of Calvert Street and College Avenue.
      Thence, leaving Calvert Street and binding on the centerline of College Avenue, with the existing Section One of the Historic District the following two courses and distances: north 40°07'23" east, a distance of 326.44' to the beginning point of a curve, and thence with the arc of a curve to the left an arc length of 15.50' to a point. Said curve having a radius length of 175.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 37°35'08" east, and a chord length of 15.50'.
      Thence, leaving the existing Section One of the Historic District and binding on the centerline of College Avenue the following three courses and distances: with the arc of a curve to the left an arc length of 68.44' to a point of tangency, said curve having a radius length of 175.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 23°50'40" east, and a chord length of 68.00', north 12°38'27" east, a distance of 418.54' to the beginning point of a curve, and thence with the arc of a curve to the right an arc length of 37.13 to a point in the centerline of Campus Street. Said curve having a radius length of 30.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 48°05'41" east, and a chord length of 34.80'.
      Thence, leaving College Avenue and binding on the centerline of Campus Avenue north 83°32'56" east, a distance of 895.11' to a point at the intersection of Campus Avenue and Washington Avenue.
      Thence, leaving Campus Avenue and binding on the centerline of Washington Avenue north 07°42'52" west, a distance of 317.86' to a point at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Brown Street.
      Thence, leaving Washington Avenue and binding on the centerline of Brown Street the following three courses and distances: north 81°52'24" east, a distance of 399.62' to the beginning point of a curve, thence with the arc of a curve to the left an arc length of 36.04' to a point of tangency, said curve having a radius length of 100.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of north 71°32'53" east, and a chord length of 35.85', and north 61°09'08" east, a distance of 429.92' to a point at the intersection of Brown Street and Riverview Road.
      Thence, leaving Brown Street and binding on the centerline of Riverview Road south 31°38'36" east, a distance of 178.02' to a point at the intersection of Riverview Road and a 20' wide alley.
      Thence, leaving Riverview Road and binding on the centerline of the 20' wide alley north 61°17'46" east, a distance of 333.82' to a point at the intersection of the 20' wide alley and the centerline of Brown Street.
      Thence, leaving the 20' wide alley and binding the centerline of Brown Street south 29°00'41" east, a distance of 179.40' to a point at the intersection of Brown Street and Campus Avenue.
      Thence, leaving Brown Street and binding on the centerline of Campus Avenue south 61°10'22" west, a distance of 393.45' to a point.
      Thence, leaving Campus Avenue and binding on the division line between Anne S. Warhurst (see: M.L.M. 529/400) and the lands of Timothy R. Skiles et ux. (see: M.L.M. 509/255) south 31°35'49" east, a distance of 180.31' to a point at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Warhurst, lands of Skiles, lands of William T. Gill et ux. (see: W.H.G. 72/104).
      Thence, leaving the lands of Warhurst and binding on the division line between Skiles, lands, lands of Gill, lands of R. Willis Quigley et ux. (see: E.H.P. 34/635), lands of Muriel Janet Cole, Trustee (see: M.L.M. 473/237) south 61°09'11" west, a distance of 174.80' to a point on the northeasternmost side of Byford Drive at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Cole and Quigley. Passing in transit a concrete monument found 25.00' from the beginning thereof.
      Thence, leaving the northeastermost of Byford Drive and the division line between the lands of Cole and Quigley and running across Byford Drive and through the lands of Town of Chestertown (see: E.H.P. 24/388), lands of Mary P. Harding (see: E.H.P. 126/172 & M.L.M. 244/355), south 61°09'11" west, a distance of 209.78' to a point.
      Thence, south 31°31'57" east, a distance of 744.76' to a point on a curve in the centerline of Kent Street.
      Thence, binding on the centerline of Kent Street the following two courses and distances: with the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right an arc length of 48.80' to a point of tangency, said curve having a radius length of 315.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of south 78°14'22" west, and a chord length of 48.75', and south 82°40'38" west, a distance of 94.40' to a point.
      Thence, leaving Kent Street and binding on the division line between the lands of Robert C. Tiehel et ux. (see: E.H.P. 262/67) and the lands of Commissioner of Chestertown (see: J.T.D. 31/411) south 07°49'16" east, a distance of 114.09' to a point at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Tiehel, lands of Commissioners of Chestertown, lands of Mayor & Council of Chestertown (see: W.H.G. 70/288).
      Thence, leaving the Tiehel lands and binding on the division line between the Mayor & Council of Chestertown, lands of Commissioners of Chestertown, lands of Robert G. Smith et ux. (see: M.L.M. 530/297), south 03°44'03" west, a distance of 174.26' to an iron rod found at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Commissioners of Chestertown, lands of Amberly Land Associates (see: M.L.M. 141/94) and the lands of Smith. Passing in transit an iron rod found 56.57' from the end thereof. Also Passing in transit an iron rod found 15.26' from the beginning thereof.
      Thence, leaving the Commissioners of Chestertown lands and binding on the division line between the Smith lands , lands of Amberly Land Associates, lands of Gregory F. Smith (see: M.L.M. 482/430), south 85°43'07" west, a distance of 260.74' to a point in the centerline of Philosophers Terrace.
      Thence, with the centerline of Philosophers Terrace the following two courses and distances: south 07°44'44" east, a distance of 330.65' to the beginning point of a curve, and thence with the arc of a curve to the right an arc length of 80.45' to a point, said curve having a radius length of 330.00' and being scribed by a chord bearing of south 00°45'43" east, and a chord length of 80.25'.
      Thence, leaving Philosophers Terrace and running through the lands of the Town of Chestertown (see: E.H.P. 72/600), with the centerline of a stream the following thirteen courses and distances: south 79°54'55" east, a distance of 77.54' to a point, north 86°53'44" east, a distance of 63.26' to a point, north 86°43'54" east, a distance of 56.86' to a point, north 83°06'06" east, a distance of 30.85' to a point, north 50°34'40" east, a distance of 22.67' to a point, north 89°23'47" east, a distance of 47.70' to a point, south 86°56'27" east, a distance of 27.02' to a point, south 71°45'14" east, a distance of 55.12' to a point, north 74°16'55" east, a distance of 21.61' to a point, south 82°30'33" east, a distance of 68.47' to a point, south 74°48'58" east, a distance of 87.06' to a point, south 67°48'18" east, a distance of 101.54' to a point, and south 59°46'14" east, a distance of 45.52' to a point on the northwesternmost side of Byford Street.
      Thence, leaving the Town of Chestertown lands and running across Byford Street south 54°10'54" east, a distance of 20.94' to a point at the intersection of the division line between the lands of Elmer E. Horsey et ux. (see: E.H.P. 256/183) and the lands of Howard E. McIntyre et ux. (see: E.H.P. 63/251) with the centerline of a stream the following two courses and distances: south 56°47'46" east, a distance of 60.88' to a point, and south 60°35'57" east, a distance of 190.56' to a point on the approximate shoreline of the Chester River as surveyed by Michael A. Scott Inc. in October 2008 and shown on a plat recorded among the plat books of Kent County, Maryland in M.L.M. 4/314.
   (D)   The fourth section of the town Historic District will include the SFC John H. Newman armory as shown on the map attached to the ordinance codified herein, and added by a metes and bounds description attached to the ordinance codified herein.
(Ord. 4-83, passed 11-9-1983; Ord. 7-95, passed 2-22-1996; Ord. 5-2007, passed 11-19-2007; Ord. 05-2012, passed 8-20-2012)