The town hereby adopts Chapter 64 Animals, Article I, Domestic Animals, of the Code of Kent County adopted by the County Commissioners of Kent County on November 3, 2009, as the new Chapter 68 of the Chestertown Code which is incorporated by reference in this chapter, subject to the following exclusions, amendments and additions.
   (A)   § 64-1 Definitions. Delete commercial kennels. Commercial kennels are not permitted under the zoning ordinance of the town.
   (B)   § 64-2 Licensing requirements.
      (1)   Delete § 64-2(H). Individual and kennel license fees shall be determined by the County Commissioners of Kent County.
      (2)   Insert § 64-2(H). Individual license fees shall be determined by the County Commissioners of Kent County.
      (3)   Delete § 64-L. Delete this section in its entirety.
   (C)   § 64-5 Restraint. The following section shall be added to § 64-5(E):
   In the interest of public safety, the Mayor and Council are authorized to declare certain public areas and public events within the town as off limits to dogs and other animals, with the exception of trained service dogs i.e., seeing-eye dogs, and trained law enforcement dogs performing their service duties during an event or in the public area. Areas so designated shall be posted. A violation of this provision shall be a municipal infraction.
   (D)   § 64-12 Keeping of wild, dangerous or poisonous animals. The following section shall be added:
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, to permit to be kept, to exhibit, to temporarily hold or to breed any dangerous, wild or vicious animal of any kind within the town limits.
(Ord. 3-2004, passed 5-17-2004; Ord. 2-2007, passed 4-16-2007; Ord. 10-2009, passed 12-21-2009; Ord. 01-2010, passed 2-16-2010)