2-3-3: DUTIES:
Each year, prior to the City Council adoption of its annual appropriation ordinance, the board shall make a recommendation for the coming fiscal year to the City Council as to the use of Silliman Fund income. For purpose of determining the amount available to be spent in any particular year, income shall include both investment income and Silliman Trust farm income from the previous fiscal year, but shall not include gains from sale of assets. There shall be no restriction on such uses to be recommended by the board, except that any such uses shall be for a public purpose, and for the use of the inhabitants of the City of Chenoa, and such other legal restrictions as may exist at the time. The board may recommend more than one use in any fiscal year, and may be for such programs, donations, projects, or capital improvements as it may deem proper. (Ord. 743, 4-9-2018)