A. Chickens and ducks may be kept in the City of Chenoa by the property/ title holders or upon the consent of the property title holders, provided the following conditions are met:
1. No person shall keep more than a total of eight (8) chickens and/or ducks at any location or on any lot.
2. No roosters, guinea fowl or any unreasonably loud species of chicken shall be kept.
3. No person shall slaughter any chickens or ducks, except at a state or county licensed slaughtering facility.
4. No personal shall keep chickens or ducks except in a fenced in area with a covered enclosure for protection of the animals.
5. No person shall keep a chicken or duck enclosure closer than 25 feet to any residential structure on an adjacent lot, unless written permission is given by the owner of such adjacent lot.
6. No person shall allow the accumulation of waste material from chickens or ducks as to create an offensive odor or nuisance.
B. In the event of consistent noise complaints from neighboring properties and upon investigation by the City, the City reserves the right to reduce the poultry requirements for any property. At no time will the City consider economic factors for the cost of purchase of poultry to dictate the increase or reduction in the allowable poultry. (Ord. 843, 10-11-2022)