No person shall:
   (A)   Be drunk in any public place or under the influence of any narcotic drug in any public place if, when drunk or under the influence of a narcotic drug, the person is endangering the well-being of himself or herself or other persons;
   (B)   Be in a state of intoxication in any public place in a manner that causes a public disturbance;
   (C)   Engage in any indecent, insulting, immoral, or obscene conduct in any public place; use any indecent or immoral language to, or in the presence, or hearing of any other person, or manifest any indecent or immoral behavior in the city in the presence, view or hearing of any other person;
   (D)   Urinate or defecate in any public place or upon any property open to the public or upon the property of another person;
   (E)   Engage in any disturbance, fight, or quarrel in a public place or encourage such activity; disturb the public peace and quiet by loud, boisterous or vulgar conduct or conduct himself or herself in any manner to disturb a meeting of municipal or public officials or allow any place, public or private, occupied or controlled by him or her to be a resort of noisy, boisterous or disorderly conduct;
   (F)   Recklessly endanger the life, health or well-being of any person;
   (G)   Obstruct, resist, hinder, fail to obey the lawful order of, or oppose any member of the Department of Public Safety or any peace officer in the discharge of his duties as such, or to flee on foot from any member of the Department of Public Safety when said officer is lawfully discharging his duties;
   (H)   Prowl about or linger in any alley or street or prowl about or linger on any private premises of another person without authority or the permission of the owner of such premises;
   (I)   Summon or cause to be summoned as a joke or prank or otherwise without any good reason therefor, by telephone or otherwise, the Department of Public Safety or any public or private ambulance to go to any address where the service called for is not needed;
   (J)   Obtain or attempt to obtain goods or money by fraud, trick or under false pretenses;
   (K)   Use or possess any non-prescriptive drug paraphernalia.
   (L)   Knowingly harbor or hide a wanted fugitive from a police officer/member of the Department of Public Safety.
   (M)   Provide false information to a police officer.
(Ord. passed 9-29-98; Am. Ord. passed 4-11-06)  Penalty, see § 130.99