For all purposes not otherwise provided for herein, this charter shall take effect on November 10, 1950, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. At such time, the City Council first elected under this charter shall assemble in the existing city council room. It shall be called to order by the chairman of the Charter Commission, and when the new council shall have chosen a mayor the previously existing city council shall cease to be and the office of each and every member thereof shall terminate.
   The terms of office of the City Treasurer, Supervisors and all other officers of the city by virtue of election under the former city charter, with the exception of the Justice of the Peace, shall terminate and their offices cease to exist. All other officers and employees of the city shall continue in their respective offices and employment as though they had been appointed or employed in the manner provided in this charter and shall in all respects be subject to the provisions of this charter.
   The City Council, forthwith after taking office, shall appoint a City Treasurer and a City Clerk to serve pending the appointment of same by the City Manager. Pending the appointment of the first City Manager, the City Council may temporarily fix authority and responsibility among officers and departments or appoint an acting City Manager, in order to maintain the operations of the city government.