(A)   Screening.
      (1)   Where outdoor storage of materials, goods and products exists within business or industrial districts, such storage shall be effectively screened by a solid fence, compact hedge or similar opaque landscaped element located on the property of the party storing the material, goods, and products. Such screening shall not extend within 15 feet of any street or driveway. The screening shall be placed along property lines or, in the case of screening along a street, 15 feet from the street right-of-way line with landscaping between the screening and pavement. A louvered fence shall be considered solid if it blocks direct vision.
      (2)   Screening is required on all lots in a B district which adjoin R districts. Such screening shall consist of a solid fence at least eight feet above curb level, constructed to specifications attached to this chapter as Appendix F. Berms and vegetation are not allowed to fulfill the requirements of this subsection. Whenever a structure is to be built on a vacant lot in a B district which adjoins an R district, the required fence shall be constructed prior to the commencement of construction of the structure. Whenever a structure or use in a B district adjoining an R district becomes an unlawful nonconforming structure or use, requiring alterations to be made to bring the structure or use in conformity with this chapter, such alterations shall include bringing the screening into conformity with this section.
   (B)   Landscaping. In all but the B-1, B-2, I-1 and I-2 zoning districts, all developed uses shall provide a landscaped yard along the streets.
   (C)   Animal hospitals. Animal hospitals with outside runs shall be located no closer than 100 feet to any residential district, restaurant, hotel or motel in any district and shall show that reasonable measures and controls shall be taken to prevent offensive noise and odor. No incineration of refuse shall be permitted on the premises.
   (D)   Country clubs - golf courses.
      (1)   No building shall be located within 100 feet of any property line.
      (2)   Facilities such as restaurants and bars may be permitted when conducted and entered from within the building.
      (3)   Swimming pools, tennis courts, and the like shall be located not less than 25 feet from any property line and adjoining property in any residence or business district shall be effectively protected by a wall, hedge and/or screen planting.
   (E)   Outdoor lighting. Whenever outdoor light is to be used to illuminate a property, the lighting fixture shall be so placed that the light rays are generally directed away from adjacent properties.
   (F)   Agricultural processing plants. Agricultural processing plants in any district which process agricultural products produced on the premises or within a contiguous area shall be so located as to provide convenient trucking access with a minimum of interference to normal traffic and shall provide parking and loading spaces. Proponent shall show that adequate measures shall be taken to control odor, dust, noise, and waste disposal so as not to constitute a nuisance and shall show that the proposed source of water will not deprive others of normal supply.
   (G)   Amusement parks. Golf driving ranges and amusement parks shall be located on major or secondary thoroughfares or nonresidential streets. Floodlights used to illuminate the premises shall be so directed and shielded as not to be an annoyance to any developed residential property. Golf driving platforms shall be not less than 200 feet from any adjacent residence district or existing dwelling.
   (H)   Cemeteries. Cemetery, crematories, and mausoleums shall provide entrance on a major street or road with ingress or egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion, shall provide required off-street parking space and shall provide a minimum size six-foot high wall or minimum three-foot thick six-foot high evergreen hedge or provide a minimum 20 feet of permanently maintained planting strip on all property lines abutting any R District or residential street.
   (I)   Airports. Airports or heliports or landing strips for aircraft shall be located no closer than 600 feet from any dwelling and shall be located so that air or land traffic shall not constitute a nuisance to neighboring uses. Proponents shall show that the field comes within standards of the Federal Aviation Agency for the particular class of field.
   (J)   Community buildings, social halls, lodges, fraternal organizations and clubs.
      (1)   All buildings must be a minimum of ten feet from the side lot lines and 20 feet from the rear lot line. There shall be no external evidence of any gainful activity, however, other than from within the building.
      (2)   Any such use must be located on or have access to a major or secondary thoroughfare and cause no heavy traffic on local residential streets.
   (K)   Private stables. Private stables and paddocks shall be located in the P-1 zone only on the rear half of the lot and not closer than 20 feet to any property line, nor closer than 40 feet from any dwelling on the same or adjoining property. The minimum lot area upon which a horse may be kept is one acre and one additional horse may be kept for each 20,000 feet by which the parcel of land exceeds one acre.
   (L)   Nursing homes. Approval must be obtained from proper agencies concerning health and safety conditions and such home must be licensed by such agencies.
   (M)   Retail sales for guests only. Community buildings, private clubs, lodges, social or recreational establishments and churches may engage in retail sales for guests provided that:
      (1)   There shall be no external evidence of any gainful activity, however incidental, nor any access to any space used for gainful activity other than from within the building.
      (2)   There shall be no harm to adjacent existing or potential residential development due to excessive traffic generation or noise or other circumstances.
   (N)   Amusement centers. Amusement centers, bowling alleys and similar places of amusement shall provide parking with ingress and egress designed so as to minimize traffic congestion, shall not be less than 20 feet from any property line, shall comply with screening provisions elsewhere in this chapter, and shall show that adequate controls or measures will be taken to prevent offensive notices and vibration.
   (O)   Temporary tract offices. Temporary subdivision offices in any district shall be located on the property to which it is appurtenance shall be limited to a six month period at the expiration of which time the applicant may request a further extension of time. Otherwise the subdivision office shall be removed at the expense of the owner. The office shall meet all yard requirements of the district in which it is located.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96; Am. Ord. 01-51, passed 8-28-01)