(A) The uniqueness of each proposal for a planned unit development allows that the requirements for the public improvements serving the development and for the location of the building in the development are subject to modification from the requirements of the prevailing land subdivision regulations.
(B) The Planning Commission may, therefore, recommend waivers or modifications of such requirements if it finds that the requirements are not necessary for the best interest of the residents of the development and that such action is not inconsistent with the interest of the entire village. No such modification shall be less than the standards indicated below. Where no indication or exception is given in the PUD zoning district classification, the requirements shall be as stated in the appropriate portion of the land subdivision regulations except that for private ways the requirements for the ways shall be only as noted below:
(1) Off street parking.
(a) A minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided as follows:
Building Classification | Minimum Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces |
Single-family, two-family | 2 space per unit |
Multiple-family buildings | 2½ spaces per unit |
Where on-street parking is not provided, an additional amount of off-street parking spaces shall be provided for guests and others at a minimum of ½ space per unit.
(b) Off-street parking spaces shall be constructed in accordance with the rules and regulations for the zoning code. For residential use, off-street parking facilities shall be located not more than 300 feet from the dwelling served.
(2) Setback. The minimum setback is 20 feet from the public right-of-way.
(3) Setback from adjoining residential districts -- see schedule, § 158.034.
(4) Public streets.
(a) Provisions shall be made for the continuation and extension of thoroughfare streets adjacent to or through a planned unit development in accordance with the street and thoroughfare plan contained in the land subdivision regulations.
(b) A planned unit development that adjoins or includes an existing street shall have a dedicated additional right-of-way, if needed, to meet the minimum street width requirements called for on the official street and thoroughfare plan of the village. The entire additional right-of-way shall be provided where the PUD is on both sides of the existing street. When the PUD is located on one side of the street, one-half of the right-of-way shall be provided. However, in no case shall the resulting right-of-way be less than 50 feet.
(c) When a PUD or portion thereof adjoins a major thoroughfare, as indicated on the official street and thoroughfare plan, access shall be reasonably restricted so that ingress or egress to the major thoroughfares shall occur at 400 foot intervals or longer. Residential lots and business and industries development shall be provided with a frontage on a marginal access street or street other than the major thoroughfare. The classifications, planning, design and construction of public streets shall be in accordance with the land subdivision ordinance and village standards.
(d) Public alleys shall not be included in a planned unit development. Adequate off- street access to the rear or side of commercial buildings shall be provided by means of private driveways or streets.
(e) In subdivisions proposed to have streets with an anticipated average daily volume of 2,500 or more, a barrier type, curb and gutter shall be constructed along all public street pavements. Curb and gutter shall be similar to type B-6.18 as described in the "State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, Highway Standards" publication. Other locations where barrier type curb and gutter are required will be determined by the engineer for the subdivision with the approval of the village engineer.
(5) Sidewalks shall be provided to permit easy pedestrian movement throughout the development. Sidewalks need not be located adjacent and parallel to the public streets but shall be provided to meet pedestrian desires or needs. Sidewalks located along public streets, and within or leading to dedicated open spaces from public streets, shall be considered as public sidewalks, provided they are located on dedicated right-of-way or easements and constructed in accordance with the subdivision ordinance.
(6) Public sanitary sewers shall be provided to serve all platted building lots and be located on public street right-of-way or dedicated utility easement a in accordance with the subdivision ordinance.
(7) Public storm sewers and open drainage waterways shall be provided to receive surface water drainage from public streets and each platted lot. Surface drainage from any platted lot must not be diverted across another platted lot except by way of a public storm sewer or well-defined waterway on an easement. Drainage facilities within a platted lot serving that lot only shall be privately owned and maintained facilities. Public drainage facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the subdivision ordinance.
(8) There shall be no restrictions on the sizes of blocks or the arrangement of lots except that each platted lot must front upon a public or private street.
(9) Private ways, common driveways, parking areas and pedestrian walkways may be used as access to buildings and facilities, provided that protective covenants are recorded which perpetuate access easements for the use of these facilities by the owners of the buildings or facilities being served. Private ways for vehicular movement and common driveways shall be of Portland cement concrete or shall be surfaced with bituminous concrete on a crushed stone base course. Pavement thickness and width shall be designed to handle the amount and type of traffic expected but in no case shall be less than the following minimums.
(a) Thickness. Two inches of class I surface course on six inches of CA-6 crushed stone, base course, six inches of Portland cement concrete, or one inch of class I surface course on 5½ inches of BAM base course having a marshall stability of 800.
(b) Minimum pavement width, 20 feet.
(c) Dead-end turnaround, 40-foot radius.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)