(A)   Once the Preliminary PUD Plan has been approved by the Village Board, the petition for PUD zoning may be filed for consideration at a public hearing by the Planning Commission. The petition for PUD zoning shall be filed and the hearing shall be held in accord with the standard hearing requirements for zoning district amendments, except that each petition shall have attached a copy of the approved Preliminary Plan.
   (B)   Once the Planning Commission has concluded its hearing and made a recommendation to the Village Board, the Village Board may, in accord with standard zoning requirements, approve or deny the petition for PUD zoning, except that if the petition is approved on condition or denied subject to certain requested revisions, the petitioner may immediately file revised Preliminary Plan, and subject to the required approvals as outline above, an amended PUD zoning petition. If the Preliminary Plan and Zoning are approved, the Village President shall sign the Preliminary Plan and documentation and enter them into the official records of the village.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)