(A)   Following notification from the Zoning Administrator that the Conceptual PUD Submission is approved, the developer shall file 12 copies of the Preliminary Plan in the office of the Village Zoning Administrator at least ten days before the meeting of the Planning Commission.
   (B)   The Preliminary PUD Plan shall include sufficient information and drawings at a fixed scale along with written statements to properly document all items called for below. The submissions shall include:
      (1)   The name of the proposed PUD.
      (2)   The name of the owner and developer of the PUD. If the owner or developer is a trust, the beneficiaries of the trust shall be listed in an affidavit.
      (3)   The layout of the vehicular circulation system. A traffic analysis is required where the number of dwellings for the PUD exceeds 200. This shall include the assignment of traffic generated by the PUD on the existing street network and those streets included in the comprehensive plan. The area on which traffic volume assignments shall be made includes all street sections where the traffic volume attributable to the PUD would be equal to or greater than 10% of the total after the surrounding area is developed at the density permitted under its current zoning.
      (4)   The layout of the pedestrian circulation system.
      (5)   Identification of outstanding topographical problems, if any.
      (6)   The approximate location of lot lines for the exchange of ownership, if any.
      (7)   The location, quantity, and use of open space along with a maintenance plan in general terms.
      (8)   The control over height, spacing and setback of structures, given by individuals areas within the proposed planned unit development. The restrictions shall be stated in the same terms that are used in the zoning code.
      (9)   The general drainage pattern within the proposed planned unit development and general plans for retention.
      (10)   The proposed parking facilities stated in ratios as they are in the zoning acct.
      (11)   The general development schedule, particularly indicating phases if the planned unit development is to be constructed over a period of years.
      (12)   A statement granting blanket easements to the appropriate utilities.
      (13)   A list of uses to be included in the planned unit development. Separate lists shall be prepared for individual areas or phases within the planned unit development.
      (14)   Illustrate the location of the land uses.
      (15)   Indicate the approximate quantity of land area to be devoted to each land use.
      (16)   Explain how the planned unit development land uses relate to the surrounding area.
      (17)   Give the population density in terms of persons per acre of the net development area for the project as a whole and for the areas to be developed individually.
      (18)   Floor area ratios for non-residential uses.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)