(A) The first stage of the PUD process is submission of a conceptual submission consisting of the location map, along with a narrative describing the developer's plans for the planned unit development including, but not limited to:
(1) A general description of the proposed site;
(2) The overall concept for development, including the type of land uses to be included, their approximate location, and the approximate percentage of the development that the land uses will occupy;
(3) A preliminary sketch of automobile and pedestrian circulation systems; and
(4) The availability and adequacy of utilities to serve the development.
(B) The purposes of the conceptual PUD submission is:
(1) To enable the technical personnel of the village to formally address the adequacy of utilities to serve the site;
(2) To make a preliminary assessment of the impact of the planned unit development of the vicinity and the village as a whole;
(3) Insure that the proposal is in accord with the official village plan; and
(4) To determine if the proposed planned unit development is in accord with the purposes of the PUD District.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)