To assist developers in the preparation of a planned unit development, a pre-application conference with the Zoning Administrator may be requested by the developer. The purpose of the meeting will be to ensure that the developer fully understands the procedures and required submissions necessary for obtaining a PUD zoning classification as well as to make an initial assessment as to the suitability of the site for a PUD. The Zoning Administrator shall point out any potential problems that might be anticipated and make suggestions for their resolution, if resolution is possible. Within ten days following the conference, the Zoning Administrator shall inform the developer in writing to proceed with the Conceptual PUD submission. If the Zoning Administrator has ascertained that there are problems with the site, he shall so inform the developer in his letter and make clear that the problem or problems must be addressed before approval of the PUD submission and resolved prior to Preliminary Plan approval by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)