(A) Unclassified or unspecified uses. In case of uncertainty where the Zoning Administrator is unable to determine literally whether a use is permitted as a principal or accessory use, he shall consult the Zoning Board of Appeals for an interpretation.
(B) Temporary uses. Temporary uses such as real estate field offices or shelters for materials and equipment being used in the construction of a permanent structure may be permitted by the Zoning Administrator through the issuance of a certificate for a period not to exceed six months. This temporary certificate may be renewed semi-annually but in no case shall the effective space of the certificate exceed two years.
(C) Flood hazard area. No building or structure other than those accepted by this chapter shall be erected within the flood plain boundary illustrated on the Zoning District Map. The flood plan area shown on the map is derived from the Flood Hazard Boundary Map for Chatham and vicinity prepared by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance Administration.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)