No obstructions shall be permitted in any required yard except as follows:
   (A)   In any yards: marquees and awnings adjoining the principal building overhanging roof eaves; chimney, if they do not exceed ten percent of the depth of the yard; and ornamental light standards, domestic television and radio antenna, flag poles, arbors, trellises, trees, shrubs, coin operated telephone, permitted signs and outdoor fuel dispensing equipment. On corner lots, obstructions not higher than 30 inches above curb level, if located in that portion of a required front yard or side yard situated within 20 feet of the lot corner formed by the intersection of any two street lines.
   (B)   In side yards: open accessory off-street parking spaces, except in a side yard abutting a street.
   (C)   In rear yards: enclosed, attached or detached off-street parking spaces; open off-street parking spaces; accessory sheds; tool rooms; and any farm accessory building; or any similar structures customarily accessory to the principal use; and balconies, breezeways and open porches.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)