In all districts, after the effective date of this chapter, and subject to the provisions as set out in §§ 158.090 through 158.096 on non-conforming uses:
   (A)   Any tract of land may be used.
   (B)   Any lawfully existing or new building or other structure may be used, relocated, enlarged, converted, extended, reconstructed or altered.
   (C)   The use of any lawfully established existing building or other structure, or tract of land may be continued, changed, extended or enlarged.
   (D)   Special uses allowed by these regulations for the district in which such building or other structure, or tract of land is located, may be used as specified in the district regulations and shall conform to other regulations set forth for that district, and to other applicable regulations of this chapter.
(Ord. 96-54, passed 3-26-96)