When a tract survey is required by this chapter, the following shall be submitted:
   (A)   Land survey showing right-of-way conveyance in fee simple for roadway purposes in conformance with the arterial roadway network plan.
   (B)   Certification by a professional Illinois Land Surveyor, together with the surveyor’s seal, attesting to the accuracy of the survey.
   (C)   Notarized owner's written acknowledgement of the right-of-way conveyance in fee simple.
   (D)   North arrow, scale and date.
   (E)   Name, address and phone number of the land surveyor and owner.
   (F)   Certification by an Illinois Professional Land Surveyor, together with the surveyor's seal, attesting to the accuracy of the survey.
   (G)   Statement indicating whether or not any part of the land surveyed is located in a Special Flood Hazard Area.
   (H)   Location of 100 year floodplain, if applicable.
   (I)   Location of all building and their distances from front, rear, and side property lines.
   (J)   Parcel identification number.
(Ord. 94-01, passed 1-25-94; Am. Ord. 16-48, passed 9-27-16; Am. Ord. 17-45, passed 9-12-17)