(A) Final plat submission requirements.
(1) The final plat shall be consistent with the current zoning district classification of the property.
(2) The following shall be submitted on a plan drawn to a scale of no more than 100' to the inch or in accompanying documents:
(a) North point, scale and date of preparation and any revisions.
(b) Names and addresses of the owner, engineer and registered land surveyor.
(c) Total acreage.
(d) Lot numbers.
(e) Existing utilities and drainage courses within and adjacent to the site.
(f) Location of all present property lines, section lines, streets, building and watercourses within the area and within 100 feet of the area.
(g) Location of proposed lots, setback lines and utility easements.
(h) Contours referring to the United States Geological Survey datum with intervals of two feet or less unless a greater interval is required because of terrain. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Commission in its sole discretion. Any such waiver shall be noted on the final plat and signed by the Chairman of the Planning Commission.
(i) If applicable, a note on the final plat stating: "Approval of this final plat by the Village of Chatham does not constitute a guarantee that well water is of adequate quantity or quality for residential needs or that a suitable sewage disposal system can be constructed on each lot." Any guarantees are the subdivider's responsibility.
(j) A statement indicating whether or not any part of the plat is located in a special flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(k) A notation stating any setback required through covenants if the setbacks are different from those of the appropriate zoning district.
(B) Accompanying documents. The following documents shall accompany the final plat:
(1) A signed statement of a registered professional engineer and the owner of the land, or his duly authorized attorney, as required by state statutes concerning drainage.
(2) Notarized acknowledgment of the plat by the owner or a duly authorized attorney. This item may be a separate document or on the plat itself.
(3) The certificate of a registered Illinois land surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the location of all monuments shown. The certificate may be filed as a supplement to the final plat.
(4) Exhibit showing the location of wells and seepage field areas (must be large enough to accommodate two seepage fields) on each lot.
(5) Any covenants or restrictions relating to the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 94-01, passed 1-25-94)