(A)   Sanitary sewers.  
      (1)   When a subdivision is located within the service area of a public sanitary sewerage system, sanitary sewers shall be constructed throughout the entire subdivision in such a manner as to serve adequately each building lot.
         (a)   Public sanitary sewers shall be located in the north or west boulevard (between curb and sidewalk) within the street right-of-way or in a 15' easement behind the sidewalk within the house setback area. Parallel sewer lines along the street may be used. Sanitary sewers shall not be located in the rear yard.
         (b)   Under no circumstance shall the entrance of storm water or ground water to the sanitary sewers be permitted.
         (c)   All sanitary sewer collections and disposal systems shall comply with the ordinances of the Village of Chatham, the Springfield Metro Sanitary District and the requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
      (2)   Acceptable sanitary pipe materials shall be acceptable to the Springfield Metro Sanitary District and shall consist of:
         (a)   PVC composite sewer pipe conforming to ASTM D 2680 with solvent weld or gasketed joints; or
         (b)   Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) sewer pipe conforming to ASTM D 3034, type PSM for sizes 4" - 15" and ASTM F-679 for sizes 18" - 27". Minimum acceptable SDR shall be 35; or
         (c)   PVC corrugated sewer pipe with a smooth interior. This pipe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM Standard F794 and Uni-bell Uni-P-9. Pipe shall be made of PVC material having a cell classification of 124-54-B as defined in ASTM D 1784. Pipe stiffness at 5% deflection shall be 46 psi for all sizes (8" - 30") when tested in accordance with ASTM 2412. PVC pipe meeting ASTM F-942 is not acceptable.
         (d)   Where lateral sewers have less than five feet of cover, Class 52 ductile iron pipe shall be used within public right of way beyond back of curbs and within utility easements. The developer shall supply and use proper adaptors to connect the ductile iron pipe.
   NOTE: All sanitary laterals will be marked by using a 2" x 4" (painted orange) board 4' above the ground to denote location of service lines.
      (3)   The developer or contractor shall record a video of each sanitary sewer line, upon completion and testing thereof, and shall provide the video to the village and the Village Engineer on a DVD, or in such other file format and on such storage medium as may be required by the village.
   (B)   Private sewage disposal systems. Where no public sanitary sewerage system is available (See § 155.022(A)(1)), individual sanitary disposal systems shall be installed to service individual dwelling units according to conditions set forth in § 155.022. These sanitary disposal systems shall be installed in accordance with the latest revised edition of the Illinois Private Sewage Disposal Licensing Act and private sewage disposal code promulgated by the Illinois Department of Public Health and the applicable ordinance of the village. Sufficient area shall be provided to accommodate two seepage fields.
(Ord. 94-01, passed 1-25-94; Am. Ord. 94-53, passed 8-9-94; Am. Ord. 05-05, passed 2-22-05; Am. Ord. 15-03, passed 1-27-15; Am. Ord. 16-35, passed 6-28-16)